Training colleges and the problem of educating and providing teachers in Iran, throughout 1940m
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researchalireza sangtrashan 1 , manizheh sadri 2 * , hasan zandiyeh 3 , masomeh garadagi 4
1 - Department of History, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
2 - Department of History, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
3 - Department of History, tehranUniversity, tehran, Iran.
4 - Department of History, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran.
Keywords: « Educating Teacher», «training college», «Educational System», «Mohammad Reza Shah»,
Abstract :
Iran’s government has taken steps to obviate lack of teachers, which was a long-term problem through its history. Although, at the end of Qajar era, normal schools were established to educate teachers, soon afterwards, in the middle of the reign of Reza Shah, their place took by training colleges. Until the end of the reign of Reza Shah, the number of teachers was not consistent with the number of educational centers and students. Since 1941 up to 1954, due to criticize government and the structure of ministries, the educational system has been also criticized so that some changes were made. To obviate the lack of teachers and increase in the number of students, government has taken steps whose circumstances shall be analyzed as the main subject of this study. Based on documentaries and librarian resources and with the aid of historical analysis method, we shall explain circumstances of the educational system and government’s proceedings to educate and provide teachers throughout of 1940s. The results show that, in the cabinets appointed after Reza Shah, much more attention was paid to the issue of teacher training so that, by various measures, lack of teacher was resolved to some extent. Furthermore, it was an important factor in expanding literacy and interest in education.