Assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of students in Kurdistan University regarding environmental issue
Subject Areas : environmental managementGolafrouz Ramezani 1 * , Hadi Tahsini 2
1 - PhD in Planning for Higher Education Development, Kurdistan University, Sannandaj, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Master of Natural Resources, Kurdistan University, Sannandaj, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Environmental performance, Kurdistan University, students,
Abstract :
Higher education institutions, institutions that are expected to provide appropriate education, sufficient awareness to change the attitudes and behavior of students to protect the environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding environmental issues in the Kurdistan university students. The research method was a descriptive survey. The student society in this study were all students of Kurdistan University that were selected as research sample from five schools with using of random sampling (195 females and 164 males), and Tools were a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to show a high reputation. As well as data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics (one-sample t, t-test, and ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test) was performed. The results inferential statistics showed that the knowledge of students of Kurdistan is relatively high compared to the environmental issues. In the Kurdistan, university students had a positive attitude and pro-environment. University students' performance in the dimension of Kurdistan acceptable and satisfactory performance on environmental issues, respectively. Also among the knowledge, attitude, and practice of students, males were significantly more environmental. In fact, in this study, the awareness of environmental issues more male students than female students the knowledge, attitude, and practice, as well as male students than female students, had more environmentally responsible. The results also showed that between knowledge, attitude and behavior of college students were significantly more environmental In the meantime the knowledge, attitude and practice of students Department of Natural Resources were higher than other college students and the College of Literature lower level of awareness. The study descriptive statistics results also showed that; in this study, it was found that problems related to environmental issues are the student's last priority, which shows Students less attention to ecological problems and consider economic problems, addressed them. The Internet has the most important role in the field of information for students in relation to environmental issues. According to the University of Kurdistan, awareness through the mass media and the inclusion of environmental issues in textbooks Student and curriculum than other students can be effective in raising awareness of them.
- Barnett, J. 2011. Dangerous climate change in the Pacific Islands: Food production and food security. Reg. Environ. Change, vol.11, pp. 229-237.
- Barnett, J. 2003. Security and climate change. Global Environ. Change, vol. 13, pp. 7-1
- Zsuzsanna, F. piko, B. kovacs, S. Uzzoli, A. 2009. Air Pollution Is Bad for my Health: Hungarian Children’s Knowledge of the Role of Environment in Health and Disease. Health & Place, vol, 15, Pp. 239– 246.
- Yildiz, N. Yilmaz, H. Demir, M. Toy, S. 2011. Effects of Personal Characteristics on Environmental Awareness; a Questionnaire Survey with University Campus People in a Developing Country Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 6(2), PP. 332-340.
- Boeve-de Pauw, J. Donche, V. & Van Petegem, P. 2011. Adolescents’ environmental worldview and personality: An explorative study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31(2), 109–117.
- Alp, E. Ertepinar, H. Tekkaya, C. Yilmaz, A. 2006. Statistical Analysis of Children’s Environmental Knowledge and Attitude in Turkey. International research in geographic and environmental knowledge, 15(3), PP. 210-223.
- Arcury, T. 2008. Environmental Attitude and Environmental Knowledge. Human organization, 4(4), PP. 300-304.
- Gottlieb, D. Vigoda-Gadot, E. Haim, A. & Kissinger, M. 2012. The ecological footprint as an educational tool for sustainability: A case study analysis in an Israeli public high school. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(1), 193–200.
- Hawcroft, L. J. & Milfont, T. L. 2010. The use (and abuse) of the new environmental paradigm scale over the last 30 years: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(2), 143–158.
- OECD. 2013. Synergies for Better Learning an international prespective on Evaluation and Assessment in Education. Publications Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education, pp. 25-29.
- Li, W. & Lang, M. 2015. Interpersonal relations and subjective well-being among preadolescents in China. Child Indicators Research, vol. 5, pp. 587–608.
- Milfont, T. L. 2007a. An integrative framework for the study of the dimensionality of environmental attitudes. Unpublished manuscript.
- Pilgrim, SE. Cullen, LC. Smith, DJ. Pretty, J. 2008. Ecological knowledge is lost in wealthier.
- Kahn, PH. Kellert, SR. 2002. Children and nature. MIT Press, Cambridge communities and countries. Environ Sci Technol, 42(4), pp. 1004–1009
- Wals, AEJ. 2007. Social learning: towards a sustainable world: principles, perspectives and praxis. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen
- Knight, K. W. & Rosa, E. A. 2011. The environmental efficiency of well-being: A cross-national analysis. Social Science Research, 40(3), 931–949.
- Liu, J. Ouyang, Z. & Miao, H. 2010. Environmental attitudes of stakeholders and their perceptions regarding protected area-community conflicts: A case study in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(11), pp. 2254–2262.
- Stern, PC. And Dietz, T. 1994. The value basis of environmental concern. J Soc Issues, vol. 50, pp. 65–84
- Stern, PC. 2000. toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behaviour. J Soc Issues, vol. 36, pp. 407–424
- Oguz, D. Cakci, I. & Kavas, S. 2010. Environmental Awareness of University Students in Ankara, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Researc, 5(19), pp. 2629-2636.
- Teksoz, G. Sahin، E. & Ertpinar, H. 2010. A New Vision for Chemistry Education Students: Environmental Education. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 5(2), pp.131-149.
- Kose, S. Gense, A. Genzer, K. and Erol, G. 2011. Investigation of Undergraduate Students, Environmental Attitudes. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 1(2), pp. 1-12.
- Akomolafe, O. 2011. Impact of Personal Factors on Environmental Education in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education، 1(1), pp. 559-564.
- Budak, D. 2005. Behavior and Attitude of Student Toward Environmental Issues at Faculty of Agricultural، Turkey. Journal of Applied Sciences, 12(3), pp. 1224-1227.
- علوی مقدم، سیدمحمدرضا و همکاران، ارزیابی آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد دانشجویان دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر در خصوص محیطزیست، علوم و فنّاوری محیطزیست، زمستان 1391، دوره 14، شماره 4، ص 147-154.
- رهبری، م، -بررسی میزان دانش، نگرش و مهارتهای زیستمحیطی دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد چالوس در سال تحصیلی 92_93"- دومین همایش ملی و تخصصی پژوهشهای محیطزیست ایران- 1394- همدان- انجمن ارزیابان محیطزیست هگمتانه.
- Areas, AS. Humble, F. and Kia, n. 2012. The relationship between rational action and environmental behavior (studied: the urban community Andimesh). Journal of Environment, vol. 51, PP. 68-78.
- فردوسی، سیما و همکاران، رابطه بین دانش زیستمحیطی و رفتارهای محافظت از محیط، پژوهشنامه علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، 1386 ، شماره 53.
- Dunlap, R. E. 2008. The new environmental paradigm scale: From marginality to worldwide use. The Journal of Environmental Education, 40(1), pp. 3–18.
- He, X. Hong, T. Liu, L. & Tiefenbacher, J.A. 2011. Comparative Study of Environmental Knowledge، Attitudes and behaviors among University Students in China. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(2), PP. 91-104.
- American Environmental Values Survey. 2006. American Views on the Environment in an Era of Polarization and Conflicting Priorities.
- NACEE. 2003. Nebraska Conservation and Environment Literacy and Awareness Survey, A report from the Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environment Education.
- Ugodulunwa, F. X. O., & Ugodulunwa, C. A., 1997. An Evaluation of Environmental Awareness among University Students: Strategies for Environmental Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Joss, Joss, Nigeria.
26. صالحی، صادق و پازوکی نژاد، زهرا، محیطزیست در آموزش عالی: ارزیابی دانش زیستمحیطی دانشجویان دانشگاههای دولتی مازندران، مطالعات برنامهریزی آموزشی، تابستان و پاییز 1393، دوره 2، شماره 4، صص 199-221.
- Barnett, J. 2011. Dangerous climate change in the Pacific Islands: Food production and food security. Reg. Environ. Change, vol.11, pp. 229-237.
- Barnett, J. 2003. Security and climate change. Global Environ. Change, vol. 13, pp. 7-1
- Zsuzsanna, F. piko, B. kovacs, S. Uzzoli, A. 2009. Air Pollution Is Bad for my Health: Hungarian Children’s Knowledge of the Role of Environment in Health and Disease. Health & Place, vol, 15, Pp. 239– 246.
- Yildiz, N. Yilmaz, H. Demir, M. Toy, S. 2011. Effects of Personal Characteristics on Environmental Awareness; a Questionnaire Survey with University Campus People in a Developing Country Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 6(2), PP. 332-340.
- Boeve-de Pauw, J. Donche, V. & Van Petegem, P. 2011. Adolescents’ environmental worldview and personality: An explorative study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31(2), 109–117.
- Alp, E. Ertepinar, H. Tekkaya, C. Yilmaz, A. 2006. Statistical Analysis of Children’s Environmental Knowledge and Attitude in Turkey. International research in geographic and environmental knowledge, 15(3), PP. 210-223.
- Arcury, T. 2008. Environmental Attitude and Environmental Knowledge. Human organization, 4(4), PP. 300-304.
- Gottlieb, D. Vigoda-Gadot, E. Haim, A. & Kissinger, M. 2012. The ecological footprint as an educational tool for sustainability: A case study analysis in an Israeli public high school. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(1), 193–200.
- Hawcroft, L. J. & Milfont, T. L. 2010. The use (and abuse) of the new environmental paradigm scale over the last 30 years: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(2), 143–158.
- OECD. 2013. Synergies for Better Learning an international prespective on Evaluation and Assessment in Education. Publications Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education, pp. 25-29.
- Li, W. & Lang, M. 2015. Interpersonal relations and subjective well-being among preadolescents in China. Child Indicators Research, vol. 5, pp. 587–608.
- Milfont, T. L. 2007a. An integrative framework for the study of the dimensionality of environmental attitudes. Unpublished manuscript.
- Pilgrim, SE. Cullen, LC. Smith, DJ. Pretty, J. 2008. Ecological knowledge is lost in wealthier.
- Kahn, PH. Kellert, SR. 2002. Children and nature. MIT Press, Cambridge communities and countries. Environ Sci Technol, 42(4), pp. 1004–1009
- Wals, AEJ. 2007. Social learning: towards a sustainable world: principles, perspectives and praxis. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen
- Knight, K. W. & Rosa, E. A. 2011. The environmental efficiency of well-being: A cross-national analysis. Social Science Research, 40(3), 931–949.
- Liu, J. Ouyang, Z. & Miao, H. 2010. Environmental attitudes of stakeholders and their perceptions regarding protected area-community conflicts: A case study in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(11), pp. 2254–2262.
- Stern, PC. And Dietz, T. 1994. The value basis of environmental concern. J Soc Issues, vol. 50, pp. 65–84
- Stern, PC. 2000. toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behaviour. J Soc Issues, vol. 36, pp. 407–424
- Oguz, D. Cakci, I. & Kavas, S. 2010. Environmental Awareness of University Students in Ankara, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Researc, 5(19), pp. 2629-2636.
- Teksoz, G. Sahin، E. & Ertpinar, H. 2010. A New Vision for Chemistry Education Students: Environmental Education. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 5(2), pp.131-149.
- Kose, S. Gense, A. Genzer, K. and Erol, G. 2011. Investigation of Undergraduate Students, Environmental Attitudes. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 1(2), pp. 1-12.
- Akomolafe, O. 2011. Impact of Personal Factors on Environmental Education in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education، 1(1), pp. 559-564.
- Budak, D. 2005. Behavior and Attitude of Student Toward Environmental Issues at Faculty of Agricultural، Turkey. Journal of Applied Sciences, 12(3), pp. 1224-1227.
- علوی مقدم، سیدمحمدرضا و همکاران، ارزیابی آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد دانشجویان دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر در خصوص محیطزیست، علوم و فنّاوری محیطزیست، زمستان 1391، دوره 14، شماره 4، ص 147-154.
- رهبری، م، -بررسی میزان دانش، نگرش و مهارتهای زیستمحیطی دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد چالوس در سال تحصیلی 92_93"- دومین همایش ملی و تخصصی پژوهشهای محیطزیست ایران- 1394- همدان- انجمن ارزیابان محیطزیست هگمتانه.
- Areas, AS. Humble, F. and Kia, n. 2012. The relationship between rational action and environmental behavior (studied: the urban community Andimesh). Journal of Environment, vol. 51, PP. 68-78.
- فردوسی، سیما و همکاران، رابطه بین دانش زیستمحیطی و رفتارهای محافظت از محیط، پژوهشنامه علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، 1386 ، شماره 53.
- Dunlap, R. E. 2008. The new environmental paradigm scale: From marginality to worldwide use. The Journal of Environmental Education, 40(1), pp. 3–18.
- He, X. Hong, T. Liu, L. & Tiefenbacher, J.A. 2011. Comparative Study of Environmental Knowledge، Attitudes and behaviors among University Students in China. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(2), PP. 91-104.
- American Environmental Values Survey. 2006. American Views on the Environment in an Era of Polarization and Conflicting Priorities.
- NACEE. 2003. Nebraska Conservation and Environment Literacy and Awareness Survey, A report from the Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environment Education.
- Ugodulunwa, F. X. O., & Ugodulunwa, C. A., 1997. An Evaluation of Environmental Awareness among University Students: Strategies for Environmental Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Joss, Joss, Nigeria.
26. صالحی، صادق و پازوکی نژاد، زهرا، محیطزیست در آموزش عالی: ارزیابی دانش زیستمحیطی دانشجویان دانشگاههای دولتی مازندران، مطالعات برنامهریزی آموزشی، تابستان و پاییز 1393، دوره 2، شماره 4، صص 199-221.