Litigation and International Responsibility; Instruments deal with the lack of performing commitments concerning climate change
Subject Areas : environmental lowSeyed Abbas Pourhashemi 1 , Sobhan Taiebi 2 * , Shima Naderi 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment and Energy, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD Student in Environmental Law, Department of Environment and Energy, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - MS.c in International Law, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: International Responsibility a, Climate Change, Pollutions, Environmental Litigation, International Environmental la,
Abstract :
Creating and articulating the human rights of the people is necessary. Therefore human rights in dealing with environmental problems, not indifferent and more serious issues in the light of environmental considerations within the international legal has institutionalized. One of the most important environmental problems of global climate change is caused by the violation of the international obligations of states.However, conventions, protocols and other international documents on climate change with emphasis on the prevention of air and water pollution seems not yet developed, developing and least developed in the implementation of these documents and regulations are in trouble and international agreements output is positive and strong. It is necessary to describe the purpose of the pathology of non-fulfillment of international commitments on climate change, examines the legal framework of the effective tools in this regard, be addressed. Therefore, its Necessitated, Be investigated to Investigating violation of international obligations on climate change.
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