Investigation Planning and Management of parks with emphasize on Sustainable Development (Case Study-Park Boston Goftegoo)
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentAkramolmolok Lahijanian 1 * , Elnaz Samaeei 2
1 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.*(Corresponding Author)
2 - MSc of Environmental Management, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Management, planning, boosting conversation, attracting tourists,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the planning and management of parks with an emphasis on sustainable development (case study of Boostan Dialog-Tehran). Therefore, planning and management of the park was discussed. The identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing discussions was carried out using the SWOT tool. The community and the statistical sample were selected in the research of managers, experts, employees and administrative staff and contractors from the boostan talks using Cochran formula. 100 questionnaires the number of managers, experts, administrative staff and contractors will be distributed and reviewed. Then, the research hypotheses were examined to determine the meaningful relationship between the variables. The result of the statistical analysis of the data shows that hypothesis 1 contributes to the "Planning in human resources to optimize the boosting park of conversation" by calculating the percentage frequency, calculating the Pearson test, there is a significant difference between the confirmation questions and the hypothesis Proven. Hypothesis 2 of the research - "Management in the manner of water use, energy, vegetation type and soil is effective in optimizing the boostan." By calculating the percentage frequency, calculating the Pearson test, there was a significant difference between the confirmation questions and the hypothesis of confirmation. Hypothesis 3 of the research- "Supervision, guidance, and control of a resource-resource teacher, facilities, helps educate the conversation." By calculating the percentage frequency, calculating the Pearson test, there was a significant difference between the confirmation questions and the hypothesis. Hypothesis 4 of the research, "The way of management and supervision, develops the physical and psychological upgrading of citizens and attracts tourists." By calculating the percentage frequency, calculating the Pearson test, there was a significant difference between the confirmation questions and the hypothesis.
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