Punitive measures of the Iranian legal system in the matter of waste (Comparative study with French law)
Subject Areas : environmental lowsayed hadi mosavi 1 , Ebrahim Taghizade 2 * , Ali Chahcandinejad 3
1 - Ph D Student in Private Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch.
2 - Professor, Department of Law, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch.
Keywords: Responsibility, punishment, waste, Iran, French,
Abstract :
Today, waste management is one of the most essential axes of sustainable development. The growing trend of waste production has doubled the need to pay attention to this issue. The present study is based on descriptive-analytical method and relying on library resources, including books and related research. In our country, Article 50 of the Constitution and the Law on Waste Management, as well as other scattered laws, including the Islamic Penal Code, have established appropriate legal capacities in waste management. Among the envisaged mechanisms is the guarantee of criminal executions for perpetrators of actions outside the framework and legal rules in the field of waste. Unlike some countries that have used both the tools of imprisonment and fines to control this issue, the punitive policy of the Iranian legal system is based on the fine of the offender and does not mention imprisonment as a deterrent mechanism.
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1. Taghizadeh, Ebrahim and Ahmad Ali Hashemi, (2012), "Civil Liability (Compulsory Guarantee)", Samt Publications. (In Persian)
2. Katouzian, Nasser, (2018), "Obligations outside the contract, civil liability", first volume, 10th edition, Tehran University Press. (In Persian)
3. Jafari Langroudi, Mohammad Jafar (1377), " Legal Terminology ", 9th edition, Tehran, Ganj Danesh Library Publications. (In Persian)
4. Prieur Michel, (2001), "Droit de l environnemenent ", Dalloz,paris
5. Pazaki, Maryam and Qasimzadeh, Reza (translation), (2017) "Safe Management of Health and Medical Waste", for the World Health Organization, first edition, Tehran University Press. (In Persian)
6. Fahimi, Azizaleh, (2016), "Responsibility due to environmental destruction in Iranian jurisprudence and law", second edition, Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Office of Islamic Propaganda, Qom Seminary. (In Persian)
7. Mousavi, Seyyed Fazlullah, (2006), "The evolution of sources of international environmental law", Tehran, Mizan publication. (In Persian)
8. Mousavi, Seyyed Fazlullah and Tabatabainejad, Seyed Mohammad, (2013), "The Law Governing Civil Liability Due to Environmental Damages", Private Law Studies Quarterly, Volume 44, Number 3, Pages 461-475. (In Persian)
9. Farid, Mohammad Amin and Asghar, Rozbeh, (2015), "Criminal policy of Islam in relation to environmental crimes", bimonthly research in arts and humanities, first year, number 2, pages 049-58. (In Persian)
10. Zeraat, Abbas, (2012), "Description of the Islamic Penal Code", Tazeerat section 3, Tehran, Qaqnoos publication. (In Persian)
11. Nejat, Seyed Amin and Dabiri, Farhad, (2014), "Investigation of criminal challenges arising from the implementation of Article 688 (914) of the Islamic Penal Code", Shiraz University Legal Studies Collection, Volume 7, Number 2, Pages 173-197. (In Persian)
12. Zeraat, ibid., p. 273. (In Persian)
13. Noorbaha, Reza, (2018), "field of general criminal law", Tehran, Ganj Danesh publishing house. (In Persian)
14. Nejat, ibid., p. 178. (In Persian)
15. Zeraat, ibid., p. 274. (In Persian)
16. Ansari, Baqir, (2004), "Comparative study of the laws governing the water environment in the subject laws of Iran", Proceedings of the First Conference on the Environment of Iran, Olive Leaf Publishing, pages 103-140. (In Persian)
17. Meshari, Mohammad, (2015), "Research on waste management in Iran's legal system", Legal Research Quarterly, number 74, pages 329-355. (In Persian)
18. Delmas, J, (1973), Tous les problemes juridiaues des pollutions et nuisance in dustrielles, Encyclopedie delmas pour la vie de Affaires.
19. Institute fracais de L Environnement(2006), Le Environnement en france , Ifen, sure la site: www.environnement.gouver.fr/IMG/pdf/syanthess/REE.pdf.
20. Lamarque, Jean, (1998), Code de I environnement, Dalloz, Paris.
21. Yves, Mayad, (2055), Code Penal, Dalloz, paris.
22. Faraj Denavi, Hassan, (2008), "Waste management in Iranian and French law (with an emphasis on the waste management law approved in 2013)", Law Quarterly of Tehran University Faculty of Law and Political Science, Volume 38, Number 1, Pages 165-178. (In Persian)
23. Office of the Vice President of Infrastructure, Vice President of Infrastructural Research and Production Affairs, Research Center of the Islamic Council, (2017), "Pathology of Waste Management Law Based on a Comparative Study in the Laws of Developed Countries (France, America, England, and Germany)", Subject Code 250, machine gun number 16306. (In Persian)