Investigating the Effects of Tourism on the Quality of Life of Villagers from the Perspective of the Host Community
(A case study of the villages of Efraineh, Paran Parviz, and Valiasr in Poldakhtar)
Subject Areas :
sajjad bazvand
tahmibeh daniyali
bahram azadbakht
simin armaghan
1 - Phd student of Rural Planning Department, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH)Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Rural Planning Department, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH)Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Geomorphology Department, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH)Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of of Rural Planning Department, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH)Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2022-08-08
Accepted : 2022-09-12
Published : 2022-11-22
quality of life,
Rural tourism,
Host community,
villages of Poldakhtar,
Abstract :
The purpose of the current research is to investigate the effects of tourism on villagers’ life quality from the perspective of the host community in the villages of Afarineh, Paran Parviz, and Valiasr in Poldokhtar. The statistical population of the research included the local people of Afrinah, Paran Parviz, and Valiasr villages which according to the census of 2015 was estimated to be 4084 people. To select the sample size, Cochran's formula was used based on which 351 people were sampled. One-sample t-test and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze the research findings. The obtained results showed that the effects of tourism in the economic, social, environmental, physical-spatial, and health and individual welfare dimensions with averages of 3.539, 3.469, 3.592, 3.562, and 3.562 respectively were desirable. The results of the regression analysis showed that tourism had the greatest impact on the economic, social, spatial physical, individual health and well-being, and environmental dimension with beta values of 0.355, 0.278, 0.239, 0.183, and 0.113 repectively.
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