Evaluation of Malayer County's Ecotourism Arrangements with Emphasis on Manisan Target Village Using SWOT Model
Subject Areas :
mitra refahi dahr
1 - Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch
Received: 2019-07-18
Accepted : 2019-10-06
Published : 2019-11-22
Ecological Resorts,
Natural Environment Protection,
Local Community Welfare,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of ecology, to study the status of ecology resorts and to determine the ecological ecosystems in Malayer. The research will be applied and will be descriptive-analytical in nature and method. The use of documents, documents and reports and other parts has been collected through the analysis of Swat and its strengths and weaknesses. The SWOT technique is used for field analysis. Developing laws and standards appropriate to the local tourism industry, providing training to local tourism activists, supporting investors to enter the field and closely monitoring the activities of local tourism companies, with the presence of relevant authorities. He wants. The development of the local economy and the active involvement of the private sector in the tourism industry are among the opportunities that the tourism industry can bring to the country's sustainable development of the tourism industry. Ecotourism policies must also be integrated into a systematic, integrated approach to macroeconomic, political, cultural, and social areas with a view to protecting the environment, which is a common legacy of today's and tomorrow's generations, and fostering public participation in the field. Developing infrastructure, infrastructure, and revenue from this business - reviewing the types and patterns of benefits and benefits from public and private partnerships. B The eccentricity of canvas pointed.
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