The role of hotels in the promotion and development of the tourism industry
Case Study of Tehran 4 & 5 Star Hotels
Subject Areas :
Azadeh Abedin Nejad
Ali Akbar mirzaee
1 - Master of Science in Geography Geographical orientation of tourism planning at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
2 - Master of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch
Received: 2017-12-17
Accepted : 2019-06-10
Published : 2019-05-22
Tehran Hotels,
Guest Satisfaction,
Abstract :
Today, the tourism industry is recognized as the dominant industry of the third millennium. Tourism with all its sub-branches is the strongest, most sustainable and safe part that can provide countless opportunities for employment and meaningful activities to the inhabitants of the globe. To provide the world's macroeconomic development today in a peaceful and environmentally-friendly environment that is sustainable and expandable. On the other hand, our country is one of the territories with a great deal of tourism abilities and capabilities. Therefore, in the course of transition towards sustainable development of the tourism sector, a large volume of economic and social strategies of the country can be desirable. One of the main issues related to tourism is the issue of tourist accommodation. Because tourists must, however, be settled and resettled in a suitable place to live and fulfill basic biological needs. Hence, the existence and diversification of residential units is an indicator of the degree of development of a country. Therefore, it should be investigated. Where in our country, especially in its capital, Tehran, where is hotel accommodation? How do the hotels meet the needs and needs? What are the solutions that can improve the hotel industry?
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