Standardization of halal tourism indicators in ecotourism resorts with an emphasis on Iranian-Islamic hospitality (Zanjan province ecotourism resorts)
Subject Areas :Mohammad Taghi Heydari 1 * , Daryoosh jahani 2 , parvin rahmati 3
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor, Tehran, Iran
3 - MSc. geography and tourism planning, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
Keywords: standardization, Halal tourism, eco-tourism residences, Islamic-Iranian values.,
Abstract :
This article tried to standardize the indicators of halal tourism in eco-tourist accommodation by emphasizing Iranian-Islamic hospitality by answering the question that under what conditions and with what mechanisms has halal tourism become a problem in Iran with its rich capacities? to be discussed; Because Iran is the only Islamic country in which all religious principles are observed, and based on the constitution and system of the Islamic Republic, as well as the Islamic culture and custom that governs the public space of the country, it is committed to observing Islamic principles, rules and regulations. This research is applied in terms of type and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. Data collection has been done through library and field methods in the form of targeted sampling based on the snowball method. The results of the research in terms of coefficients showed that the effectiveness of intelligentization with a statistic of t=10.482 and standardization of destination management with a statistic of t=9.008 is more than other indicators. Considering the urgent need of halal tourism in the country for the existence of a road map as a determinant of the main policy of tourism development, the strategic document for the development of halal tourism in the country will be prepared and compiled based on the upstream documents of the tourism field.
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