Risk assessment and management of sports venues related to air pollution zoning Using Geographic Information System (GIS)
Subject Areas : climateباقر morsal 1 * , davood panahimirshekar 2
1 - - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Physical Education Department. Faculty of Humanities. Islamic Azad University. Shahroud Unit. Shahroud. IRAN
2 - PhD student, Department of Physical Education. Faculty of Humanities. Islamic Azad University. Shahroud Unit. Shahroud.iran
Keywords: risk management, geographical information system, air pollution,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to assess and manage the risk of sports venues related to air pollution zoning using GIS. This research is cross-sectional in terms of execution time and applied in terms of outputs, and descriptive-analytical and comparative in terms of analysis. In this study, sports venues in the northwest of Tehran were surveyed in total. In order to enter the data, kriging method was used. After estimating the average data concentration of pollutants, zoning was performed for all stations using Kriging method by ArcGIS software. The basis for measuring the amount of pollutants was adjusted based on the Air Quality Index (AQI). The results showed that the air quality index was healthy throughout the study area but no clean study areas (0-50) were reported. Pollutants showed that the distribution of pollutants did not follow a balanced pattern. The relationship with risk assessment using the William Fine method is a risk rating of 150, which indicates the state of emergency and the "average risk level" and it is necessary to pay attention as soon as possible. They are fossils and are the most important pollutants. Therefore, in order to reduce air pollution, urban constructions, design of networks and communication axes should be considere
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