Efficiency assessment of micro-climate change in land cover distinguishing compared to some supervised classification techniques for an arid urban environment
Subject Areas : Natural resources and environmental managementNAJMAE SATARI 1 , Malihe Erfani 2 * , Fatemeh Jahanishakib 3
1 - Masters student, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Zabol, Iran‎
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, ‎University of Zabol‎, Zabol, Iran‎
3 - Assistant Professor,, Faculty of natural resources and environment, university of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: Feature extraction, Arid and semi-arid areas, Hard classification, Micro-climate, remote sensing,
Abstract :
The distinction between barren and build-up areas is one of the most important issues in land use/land cover mapping in arid and semi-arid climates. In this regard, many researchers have tried to increase the accuracy of classification using different methods that, some of which are complex and time-consuming. Therefore, the present study conducted aimed to apply micro-climate change through the implementation of Local Climate Zoning (LCZ) algorithm in land use identification with emphasis on the separation of build-up areas in one of the arid cities of Iran, and the efficiency of the method by investigation the classification accuracy was compared with various supervised methods including maximum likelihood, minimum distance, Fisher, KNN, fuzzy, artificial neural network and support vector machine. The study area is Zahedan city, which has a very significant growth of build-up areas in recent decades. For this purpose, four periods of Landsat satellite images year 2020 were used. Training samples were extracted from Google Earth and the validation of the classification results was performed using 218 random points. The accuracy results showed that the use of LCZ algorithm with overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of 96.33% and 0.95, respectively is the highest and then the support vector machine and Fisher methods with overall accuracy of 86.61 and 83.03 and kappa coefficient of 0.82 and 0.75, respectively. Therefore, for land use / land cover studies, the LCZ method that considers the micro-climate, is proposed.
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