Investigating the impact of stakeholder pressure and green production on financial performance with the mediating role of firm reputation and environmental performance in petrochemical companies of Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Financial engineeringMohammad Reza Radfar 1 , Mansoureh Aligholi 2
1 - Department of Financial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Financial performance, Stakeholder pressure, Green production, Firm reputation, Environmental performance,
Abstract :
In today's competitive era, in order to achieve an acceptable financial performance and improve the company's value, companies are forced to pay special attention to the interests of stakeholders and environmental issues in addition to financial indicators. This research aims to explain the impact of stakeholder pressure and green production on financial performance with the mediating role of firm reputation and environmental performance in petrochemical industry companies of Tehran Stock Exchange. The research method is based on the objective, applied, and in terms of the method of doing the work, descriptive survey and the statistical population includes employees and managers of petrochemical industry companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange, with a sample size of 384 people. Structural equation modeling was used to collect information from the questionnaire and to examine the research hypotheses. The results indicate that the pressure of organizational stakeholders and green production have an effect on financial performance with the mediating role of firm reputation and environmental performance in petrochemical industry companies of Tehran Stock Exchange.
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