Entrepreneurship Strategic Analysis of Fintech in Banking scope
Subject Areas : Financial engineering
Maryam Mashhadiabdol
Davood Samari
ebrahim abbasi
Majid Ashrafi
1 - Ph.D. Student in Entreprenurship Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Aliabad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad katoul , Iran
2 - Department of agricultural management, faculty of agriculture and natural resouces,karaj Branch, alborz, iran.
3 - Department of management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, alzahra university, Tehran, iran
4 - Department Accounting, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Aliabad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad katoul , Iran
Keywords: SWOT, subsidies, e-banking, Fintech, Technology Businesses, Startups, Content Analysis Method,
Abstract :
One of the emerging phenomena in the world is the emergence of Fintech in banking. This has threatened governments' control over money and has made it easier to transfer money around the world. Technology development and social change affect customer behavior and lead to change in customer relationship management. The purpose of this research is to study what Fintech developments in Iran and content analysis are trying to do in terms of what Iran has done in the field of banking and in which financial areas it will be able to start a new business. Some in the financial services industry see Fintech's progress as a threat to the traditional banking industry, and some believe Fintech is a challenge that can be turned into an opportunity. The research method in this paper is grounded theory which was first analyzed using library study and interviews with government officials in the field of banking and the key points were extracted. Therefore, in order to collect additional information for content analysis, a questionnaire was used using keywords. At the output of the questionnaire, the frequency of keywords and their importance coefficients were extracted. Finally, the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities in entrepreneurship and innovation were extracted. The results are listed in the SWOT strategy table, which outline the strengths of the strategies to address the weaknesses and, using opportunities, provide strategies to turn the threats into opportunities.