To Compare the Ranking of Brokerage Firms Based on Relationship Marketing and the Ranking Conducted by the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) (An integrated approach of RM and fuzzy MADM)
Subject Areas : Financial engineeringMostafa Ghazizadeh 1 * , Saeed Safari 2 , Ebrahim Mohammadi 3 , Mehdi Samizadeh 4
1 - Assistant Professor of Management Group, Shahed University
2 - Assistant Professor of Management Group, Shahed University
3 - Master of International Marketing, Shahed University
4 - Doctoral Student in Marketing Management, University of Tehran
Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, relationship marketing, ranking of brokerages,
Abstract :
Given the importance of ranking of brokerage firms for customers, this paper analyzes the impact of relationship marketing factors on the ranking of brokerage firms and compares the obtained results with the results of the ranking conducted by the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO). For this purpose, in the first stage, seven indicators of relationship marketing indicators which have the greatest impact on the ranking and performance evaluation of brokerage firms from the viewpoints of the experts, from among the indices derived from the theories and models of relationship marketing including customer confidence in the organization, customer commitment, empathy with the customers, financial interests, competence of the organization, conflict management, communication and financial interests was determined by questionnaire. The study population will consist of two parts: Active Brokerage firms in Stock Exchange and the customers of these brokerage firms in the cities of Tehran and Isfahan who have used the services offered by the brokerage firms at least twice. The data were collected from a sample of 873 customers of brokerages and 2 experts of capital market. To analyze the research data, the main influencing criteria on relationship marketing were evaluated in the form of questionnaire. Finally, the ranking algorithm was designed using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS and ranking was conducted. Correlation test between the ratings indicate that there is a direct correlation and integration between both tools.