CEO-CFO tenure consistency and Earnings quality : The moderating role of the audit fee
Subject Areas : Financial engineeringjavid yarahmadi 1 , Masoud Gholamzadeh Ledari 2 *
1 - PhD Student, Department of Finance and Accounting, Science and Research Branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting, Science and Research Branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: audit fee, CEO-CFO tenure consistency, earnings quality.,
Abstract :
Paying attention to the relationship between the CEO and CFO as two influential members in determining and implementing the company's operation strategy is very important. Therefore, the aim of the this research is to empirically test the role of the auditor's fee moderator in the relationship between the consistency of the tenure of the CEO and the CFO and Earnings quality. For this purpose, information related to 109 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange was collected and analyzed between 2016 and 2021. The findings of the research confirm the negative relationship between the consistency of the tenure of the CEO and the financial manager and the earnings quality. Also, the findings of the research show that the audit fee plays a moderating role in the negative relationship between CEO-CFO tenure consistency and the quality of profit. Based on this, it can be claimed that in companies where the tenure of the CEO and the financial manager are the same, the financial manager cooperates and participates with the CEO in earnings management, and as a result, auditors increase the level of handling and audit fees to cover the audit risk.
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