Cryptocurrencies as a source of value
Subject Areas : Financial engineering
mohamad mahdi nasiri
mohammadreza Kashfy Nishaburi
1 - Department of Financial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Financial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Grounded Theory, Cryptocurrency, savings, source of value,
Abstract :
For long-term savings purposes, cryptocurrency is considered a controversial asset because the value of the cryptocurrency changes significantly several times during the week. Despite the fact that the value of the cryptocurrency has changed since the beginning of the year, the cryptocurrency may lose a lot of its value. Cryptocurrency is an innovation that has created many questions even for experts in various industries. In some countries, cryptocurrency has not only become a means of payment, but also an investment tool that is included in the investment portfolio of cryptocurrency fans. In this article, focusing on cryptocurrency as a source of value, cryptocurrency is examined from the perspective of the role of money. Cryptocurrency can be useful as a form of money and has the characteristics of money such as divisibility, durability, dynamism and other features. The function of cryptocurrency is not based on physical assets such as gold and silver, but on mathematical principles. The actual price of a cryptocurrency is determined by the demand from people who want the coins and