Provide a dynamic model of financing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with DANP approach
Subject Areas : Financial engineeringBizhan Nosrati Barandagh 1 , Abbas toloie 2 * , Ehsan Sadeh 3 , zeinolabedin aminisabegh 4
1 - Department of management, Saveh Branch,Islamic Azad University,Saveh,Iran
2 - Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of management, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
4 - Department of management, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Modeling, System Dynamics, Fuzzy Screening Method (FSM), Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) based on Analytical Network Process (ANP) (DANP),
Abstract :
The purpose of present article is to design a dynamic model (DM) of financing SMEs according to Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) based on Analytical Network Process (ANP) (DANP) approach. The innovation of this article is to take hybrid of DANP and DM in financing SMEs approach. This article has paid using different scenarios in financing SMEs and model simulation. The dynamic model is formulated therefore, based on previous literature and the fuzzy screening method, extracting effective factors on financing SMEs and causal link identified. Then it was included in the model using the DANP the relationships between them and the amount of impact coefficients are determined. Finally identify new financing methods over a 10 month period in order to test the accuracy of the model and to determine the behavior of the state and rate variables, we collected data from 24 SMEs. The behavior of research variables analyzing by evaluated in the framework of the model as well as sensitivity analysis the validity of the DM is designed. The results showed that SMEs use the designed model and the scenarios can be used to finance their business optimally.
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