Exploration and validation of the antecedents and consequences of block chain acceptance in Iranian financial markets with fuzzy approach
Subject Areas :
Financial engineering
Hamed Heidari
Morteza Mousakhani
Mahmood Alborzi
Ali Divandari
Reza Radfar
1 - IT management Group, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, management Group, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor,IT management Group, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Business Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
5 - Technology management Group, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2019-10-01
Accepted : 2019-11-12
Published : 2020-03-20
Financial Markets,
fuzzy Delphi,
Keywords: Blockchain adoption,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify and validate the antecedents and consequences of blockchain acceptance in Iranian financial markets in order to provide the necessary background for assessing the readiness of financial markets for accepting blockchain technology. The implications and implications of blockchain acceptance at four levels, 12 variables, and 53 indices have been extracted from similar research literature in e-commerce and mobile banking. To validate the research indices, in addition to the documentary study, a fuzzy Delphi technique was used to refine the indices, the survey was carried out in three stages, and the results of each step were refined. Data analysis has confirmed 39 indicators. In fact, the results of this study provide useful insights for financial market researchers and policy makers in Iran to evaluate these factors so that they can utilize blockchain applications in the Iranian financial markets by changing the business model used in financial markets.
MacDonald, T.J., D.W. Allen, and J. Potts, Blockchains and the boundaries of self-organized economies: Predictions for the future of banking, in Banking Beyond Banks and Money. 2016, Springer. p. 279-296.
Morabito, V., Business Innovation Through Blockchain. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Batubara, F.R., J. Ubacht, and M. Janssen. Challenges of blockchain technology adoption for e-government: a systematic literature review. in Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age. 2018. ACM.
Peck, M.E., Blockchains: How they work and why they'll change the world. IEEE spectrum, 2017. 54(10): p. 26-35.
Nakamoto, S., Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. 2008.
Ølnes, S., J. Ubacht, and M. Janssen, Blockchain in government: Benefits and implications of distributed ledger technology for information sharing, 2017, Elsevier.
Yoo, S., Blockchain based financial case analysis and its implications. Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2017. 11(3): p. 312-321.
Pilkington, M., 11 Blockchain technology: principles and applications. Research handbook on digital transformations, 2016: p. 225.
Back, A., et al., Enabling blockchain innovations with pegged sidechains. URL: http://www. opensciencereview. com/papers/123/enablingblockchain-innovations-with-pegged-sidechains, 2014.
Crosby, M., et al., Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin. Applied Innovation, 2016. 2: p. 6-10.
Buterin, V., A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform. white paper, 2014.
Zheng, Z., et al. An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends. in Big Data (BigData Congress), 2017 IEEE International Congress on. 2017. IEEE.
Perez, Y.B., Santander: blockchain tech can save banks $20 billion a year. CoinDesk URL: http://www. coindesk. com/santander-blockchain-tech-can-save-banks-20-billion-a-year, 2015.
Ikeda, K. and M.-N. Hamid, Applications of Blockchain in the Financial Sector and a Peer-to-Peer Global Barter Web. 2018.
Beck, R., et al. Blockchain-the Gateway to Trust-Free Cryptographic Transactions. in ECIS. 2016.
Böhme, R., et al., Bitcoin: Economics, technology, and governance. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015. 29(2): p. 213-38.
Herrera-Joancomartí, J. and C. Pérez-Solà. Privacy in bitcoin transactions: new challenges from blockchain scalability solutions. in Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. 2016. Springer.
Hull, R., et al. Towards a shared ledger business collaboration language based on data-aware processes. in International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. 2016. Springer.
Idelberger, F., et al. Evaluation of logic-based smart contracts for blockchain systems. in International Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. 2016. Springer.
Kosba, A., et al. Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts. in 2016 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP). 2016. IEEE.
McCorry, P., et al. Authenticated key exchange over bitcoin. in International Conference on Research in Security Standardisation. 2015. Springer.
Sun, J., J. Yan, and K.Z. Zhang, Blockchain-based sharing services: What blockchain technology can contribute to smart cities. Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 26.
Tschorsch, F. and B. Scheuermann, Bitcoin and beyond: A technical survey on decentralized digital currencies. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2016. 18(3): p. 2084-2123.
Weber, I., et al. Untrusted business process monitoring and execution using blockchain. in International Conference on Business Process Management. 2016. Springer.
Xu, J.J., Are blockchains immune to all malicious attacks? Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 25.
Zhao, J.L., S. Fan, and J. Yan, Overview of business innovations and research opportunities in blockchain and introduction to the special issue, 2016, Springer.
Zyskind, G. and O. Nathan. Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. in Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2015 IEEE. 2015. IEEE.
Heidari H, M.M., Alborzi M, Divandari A, Radfar R, Investigating the Effective Factors on the Customers' Behavioral propensity to Use Blockchain Capabilities as financial instrument. J. Mon. Ec., 2018. 13(2): p. 195-219.
Baker, J., The technology–organization–environment framework, in Information systems theory. 2012, Springer. p. 231-245.
Rogers, E.M., Diffusion of innovations. 2010: Simon and Schuster.
Zhu, L. and S. Thatcher, National information ecology: A new institutional economics perspective on global e-commerce adoption. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2010. 11(1).
Kim, N. and J.H. Pae, Utilization of new technologies: organizational adaptation to business environments. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2007. 35(2): p. 259-269.
Seyal, A.H., et al., Determinants of electronic commerce in Pakistan: Preliminary evidence from small and medium enterprises. Electronic Markets, 2004. 14(4): p. 372-387.
Molla, A. and P.S. Licker, Perceived e-readiness factors in e-commerce adoption: An empirical investigation in a developing country. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2005. 10(1): p. 83-110.
Damsgaard, J. and K. Lyytinen, Contours of diffusion of electronic data interchange in Finland: Overcoming technological barriers and collaborating to make it happen. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 1998. 7(4): p. 275-297.
Kurnia, S. and R.B. Johnston, Adoption of efficient consumer response: key issues and challenges in Australia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2003. 8(3): p. 251-262.
Gregor, S. and R.B. Johnston, Developing an understanding of interorganizational systems: arguments for multi level analysis and structuration theory. ECIS 2000 Proceedings, 2000: p. 193.
Crowston, K. and M.D. Myers, Information technology and the transformation of industries: three research perspectives. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2004. 13(1): p. 5-28.
Qu, W.G., Z. Yang, and Z. Wang, Multi-level framework of open source software adoption. Journal of Business Research, 2011. 64(9): p. 997-1003.
Ghobakhloo, M., D. Arias-Aranda, and J. Benitez-Amado, Adoption of e-commerce applications in SMEs. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2011. 111(8): p. 1238-1269.
Kuan, K.K. and P.Y. Chau, A perception-based model for EDI adoption in small businesses using a technology–organization–environment framework. Information & management, 2001. 38(8): p. 507-521.
Zhu, K. and K.L. Kraemer, Post-adoption variations in usage and value of e-business by organizations: cross-country evidence from the retail industry. Information systems research, 2005. 16(1): p. 61-84.
Oliveira, T. and M.F. Martins, Understanding e-business adoption across industries in European countries. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2010. 110(9): p. 1337-1354.
Mutula, S.M. and P. Van Brakel, An evaluation of e-readiness assessment tools with respect to information access: Towards an integrated information rich tool. International Journal of Information Management, 2006. 26(3): p. 212-223.
Alshehri, M. and S. Drew, Challenges of e-government services adoption in Saudi Arabia from an e-ready citizen perspective. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010. 66: p. 1053-1059.
Ølnes, S. Beyond bitcoin enabling smart government using blockchain technology. in International Conference on Electronic Government. 2016. Springer.
Kurnia, S., et al., E-commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research, 2015. 68(9): p. 1906-1918.
Gibbs, J.L. and K.L. Kraemer, A cross‐country investigation of the determinants of scope of e‐commerce use: an institutional approach. Electronic markets, 2004. 14(2): p. 124-137.
Looi, H.C., E-commerce adoption in Brunei Darussalam: A quantitative analysis of factors influencing its adoption. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2005. 15(1): p. 3.
Lawson, R., et al., Factors affecting adoption of electronic commerce technologies by SMEs: an Australian study. Journal of small business and enterprise development, 2003. 10(3): p. 265-276.
Kurnia, S. Exploring e-commerce readiness in China: The case of the grocery industry. in Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008). 2008. IEEE.
Mohammed, F., et al., Cloud computing adoption model for e-government implementation. Information Development, 2017. 33(3): p. 303-323.
Bennett, R. and S. Savani, Retailers' preparedness for the introduction of third wave (ubiquitous) computing applications: a survey of UK companies. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2011. 39(5): p. 306-325.
Espadanal, M.B.N., Cloud computing adoption-determinants of cloud computing adoption by firms, 2012.
Alshamaila, Y.Y., An empirical investigation of factors affecting cloud computing adoption among SMEs in the North East of England, 2013, Newcastle University.
Atzori, M., Blockchain technology and decentralized governance: Is the state still necessary? Available at SSRN 2709713, 2015.
Underwood, S., Blockchain beyond bitcoin. Communications of the ACM, 2016. 59(11): p. 15-17.
Cai, Y. and D. Zhu, Fraud detections for online businesses: a perspective from blockchain technology. Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 20.
Kshetri, N., Will blockchain emerge as a tool to break the poverty chain in the Global South? Third World Quarterly, 2017. 38(8): p. 1710-1732.
Zyskind, G. and O. Nathan. Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. in 2015 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops. 2015. IEEE.
Yermack, D., Corporate governance and blockchains. Review of Finance, 2017. 21(1): p. 7-31.
Tapscott, D. and A. Tapscott, The impact of the blockchain goes beyond financial services. Harvard Business Review, 2016. 10: p. 2-5.
Gervais, A., et al. On the security and performance of proof of work blockchains. in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security. 2016. ACM.
Swan, M., Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. 2015: " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Hosein, H.M., et al., Explaining the factors affecting the credit of Delphi fuzzy approach. The perspective of financial management, 2018. 8(21): p. 115-131.
Hsu, T. and T. Yang, Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in the selection of advertising media. Journal of Management and Systems, 2000. 7(1): p. 19-39.
Chang, Y., Transportation Plan Appraisal and Decision-making Discussion and Application of the Fuzzy Theory. Hwatai, Taipei (Chinese edition), 1998.
Mikhailov, L., Deriving priorities from fuzzy pairwise comparison judgements. Fuzzy sets and systems, 2003. 134(3): p. 365-385.
Davies, M.A., A multicriteria decision model application for managing group decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1994. 45(1): p. 47-58.
Toloie-Eshlaghy, A. and M. Peydaie, Designing the model of human resource excellence in Iranian public sectors. Eur J Econ Financ Admin Sci, 2011. 35: p. 135-154.
MacDonald, T.J., D.W. Allen, and J. Potts, Blockchains and the boundaries of self-organized economies: Predictions for the future of banking, in Banking Beyond Banks and Money. 2016, Springer. p. 279-296.
Morabito, V., Business Innovation Through Blockchain. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Batubara, F.R., J. Ubacht, and M. Janssen. Challenges of blockchain technology adoption for e-government: a systematic literature review. in Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age. 2018. ACM.
Peck, M.E., Blockchains: How they work and why they'll change the world. IEEE spectrum, 2017. 54(10): p. 26-35.
Nakamoto, S., Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. 2008.
Ølnes, S., J. Ubacht, and M. Janssen, Blockchain in government: Benefits and implications of distributed ledger technology for information sharing, 2017, Elsevier.
Yoo, S., Blockchain based financial case analysis and its implications. Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2017. 11(3): p. 312-321.
Pilkington, M., 11 Blockchain technology: principles and applications. Research handbook on digital transformations, 2016: p. 225.
Back, A., et al., Enabling blockchain innovations with pegged sidechains. URL: http://www. opensciencereview. com/papers/123/enablingblockchain-innovations-with-pegged-sidechains, 2014.
Crosby, M., et al., Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin. Applied Innovation, 2016. 2: p. 6-10.
Buterin, V., A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform. white paper, 2014.
Zheng, Z., et al. An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends. in Big Data (BigData Congress), 2017 IEEE International Congress on. 2017. IEEE.
Perez, Y.B., Santander: blockchain tech can save banks $20 billion a year. CoinDesk URL: http://www. coindesk. com/santander-blockchain-tech-can-save-banks-20-billion-a-year, 2015.
Ikeda, K. and M.-N. Hamid, Applications of Blockchain in the Financial Sector and a Peer-to-Peer Global Barter Web. 2018.
Beck, R., et al. Blockchain-the Gateway to Trust-Free Cryptographic Transactions. in ECIS. 2016.
Böhme, R., et al., Bitcoin: Economics, technology, and governance. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015. 29(2): p. 213-38.
Herrera-Joancomartí, J. and C. Pérez-Solà. Privacy in bitcoin transactions: new challenges from blockchain scalability solutions. in Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. 2016. Springer.
Hull, R., et al. Towards a shared ledger business collaboration language based on data-aware processes. in International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. 2016. Springer.
Idelberger, F., et al. Evaluation of logic-based smart contracts for blockchain systems. in International Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. 2016. Springer.
Kosba, A., et al. Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts. in 2016 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP). 2016. IEEE.
McCorry, P., et al. Authenticated key exchange over bitcoin. in International Conference on Research in Security Standardisation. 2015. Springer.
Sun, J., J. Yan, and K.Z. Zhang, Blockchain-based sharing services: What blockchain technology can contribute to smart cities. Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 26.
Tschorsch, F. and B. Scheuermann, Bitcoin and beyond: A technical survey on decentralized digital currencies. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2016. 18(3): p. 2084-2123.
Weber, I., et al. Untrusted business process monitoring and execution using blockchain. in International Conference on Business Process Management. 2016. Springer.
Xu, J.J., Are blockchains immune to all malicious attacks? Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 25.
Zhao, J.L., S. Fan, and J. Yan, Overview of business innovations and research opportunities in blockchain and introduction to the special issue, 2016, Springer.
Zyskind, G. and O. Nathan. Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. in Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2015 IEEE. 2015. IEEE.
Heidari H, M.M., Alborzi M, Divandari A, Radfar R, Investigating the Effective Factors on the Customers' Behavioral propensity to Use Blockchain Capabilities as financial instrument. J. Mon. Ec., 2018. 13(2): p. 195-219.
Baker, J., The technology–organization–environment framework, in Information systems theory. 2012, Springer. p. 231-245.
Rogers, E.M., Diffusion of innovations. 2010: Simon and Schuster.
Zhu, L. and S. Thatcher, National information ecology: A new institutional economics perspective on global e-commerce adoption. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2010. 11(1).
Kim, N. and J.H. Pae, Utilization of new technologies: organizational adaptation to business environments. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2007. 35(2): p. 259-269.
Seyal, A.H., et al., Determinants of electronic commerce in Pakistan: Preliminary evidence from small and medium enterprises. Electronic Markets, 2004. 14(4): p. 372-387.
Molla, A. and P.S. Licker, Perceived e-readiness factors in e-commerce adoption: An empirical investigation in a developing country. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2005. 10(1): p. 83-110.
Damsgaard, J. and K. Lyytinen, Contours of diffusion of electronic data interchange in Finland: Overcoming technological barriers and collaborating to make it happen. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 1998. 7(4): p. 275-297.
Kurnia, S. and R.B. Johnston, Adoption of efficient consumer response: key issues and challenges in Australia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2003. 8(3): p. 251-262.
Gregor, S. and R.B. Johnston, Developing an understanding of interorganizational systems: arguments for multi level analysis and structuration theory. ECIS 2000 Proceedings, 2000: p. 193.
Crowston, K. and M.D. Myers, Information technology and the transformation of industries: three research perspectives. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2004. 13(1): p. 5-28.
Qu, W.G., Z. Yang, and Z. Wang, Multi-level framework of open source software adoption. Journal of Business Research, 2011. 64(9): p. 997-1003.
Ghobakhloo, M., D. Arias-Aranda, and J. Benitez-Amado, Adoption of e-commerce applications in SMEs. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2011. 111(8): p. 1238-1269.
Kuan, K.K. and P.Y. Chau, A perception-based model for EDI adoption in small businesses using a technology–organization–environment framework. Information & management, 2001. 38(8): p. 507-521.
Zhu, K. and K.L. Kraemer, Post-adoption variations in usage and value of e-business by organizations: cross-country evidence from the retail industry. Information systems research, 2005. 16(1): p. 61-84.
Oliveira, T. and M.F. Martins, Understanding e-business adoption across industries in European countries. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2010. 110(9): p. 1337-1354.
Mutula, S.M. and P. Van Brakel, An evaluation of e-readiness assessment tools with respect to information access: Towards an integrated information rich tool. International Journal of Information Management, 2006. 26(3): p. 212-223.
Alshehri, M. and S. Drew, Challenges of e-government services adoption in Saudi Arabia from an e-ready citizen perspective. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010. 66: p. 1053-1059.
Ølnes, S. Beyond bitcoin enabling smart government using blockchain technology. in International Conference on Electronic Government. 2016. Springer.
Kurnia, S., et al., E-commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study. Journal of Business Research, 2015. 68(9): p. 1906-1918.
Gibbs, J.L. and K.L. Kraemer, A cross‐country investigation of the determinants of scope of e‐commerce use: an institutional approach. Electronic markets, 2004. 14(2): p. 124-137.
Looi, H.C., E-commerce adoption in Brunei Darussalam: A quantitative analysis of factors influencing its adoption. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2005. 15(1): p. 3.
Lawson, R., et al., Factors affecting adoption of electronic commerce technologies by SMEs: an Australian study. Journal of small business and enterprise development, 2003. 10(3): p. 265-276.
Kurnia, S. Exploring e-commerce readiness in China: The case of the grocery industry. in Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008). 2008. IEEE.
Mohammed, F., et al., Cloud computing adoption model for e-government implementation. Information Development, 2017. 33(3): p. 303-323.
Bennett, R. and S. Savani, Retailers' preparedness for the introduction of third wave (ubiquitous) computing applications: a survey of UK companies. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2011. 39(5): p. 306-325.
Espadanal, M.B.N., Cloud computing adoption-determinants of cloud computing adoption by firms, 2012.
Alshamaila, Y.Y., An empirical investigation of factors affecting cloud computing adoption among SMEs in the North East of England, 2013, Newcastle University.
Atzori, M., Blockchain technology and decentralized governance: Is the state still necessary? Available at SSRN 2709713, 2015.
Underwood, S., Blockchain beyond bitcoin. Communications of the ACM, 2016. 59(11): p. 15-17.
Cai, Y. and D. Zhu, Fraud detections for online businesses: a perspective from blockchain technology. Financial Innovation, 2016. 2(1): p. 20.
Kshetri, N., Will blockchain emerge as a tool to break the poverty chain in the Global South? Third World Quarterly, 2017. 38(8): p. 1710-1732.
Zyskind, G. and O. Nathan. Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. in 2015 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops. 2015. IEEE.
Yermack, D., Corporate governance and blockchains. Review of Finance, 2017. 21(1): p. 7-31.
Tapscott, D. and A. Tapscott, The impact of the blockchain goes beyond financial services. Harvard Business Review, 2016. 10: p. 2-5.
Gervais, A., et al. On the security and performance of proof of work blockchains. in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security. 2016. ACM.
Swan, M., Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy. 2015: " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Hosein, H.M., et al., Explaining the factors affecting the credit of Delphi fuzzy approach. The perspective of financial management, 2018. 8(21): p. 115-131.
Hsu, T. and T. Yang, Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in the selection of advertising media. Journal of Management and Systems, 2000. 7(1): p. 19-39.
Chang, Y., Transportation Plan Appraisal and Decision-making Discussion and Application of the Fuzzy Theory. Hwatai, Taipei (Chinese edition), 1998.
Mikhailov, L., Deriving priorities from fuzzy pairwise comparison judgements. Fuzzy sets and systems, 2003. 134(3): p. 365-385.
Davies, M.A., A multicriteria decision model application for managing group decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1994. 45(1): p. 47-58.
Toloie-Eshlaghy, A. and M. Peydaie, Designing the model of human resource excellence in Iranian public sectors. Eur J Econ Financ Admin Sci, 2011. 35: p. 135-154.