Investigating the effect of dark three personality traits of managers on corporate sustainability (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange)
Subject Areas : Financial and Behavioral Researches in Accounting
fahimeh tajik
marzi ebrahimishaghaghi
Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi
1 - Master's Student in Financial Management, Department of Accounting and Management, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, Iran,
2 - Department of Accounting and Management, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, Iran,
3 - Department of Accounting and Management, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, Iran,
Keywords: corporate sustainability, : manager’s dark three personality traits, Tehran Stock Exchange,
Abstract :
The purpose of comparative study of the dark traits of the personality on corporate sustainability with evidence of the Tehran Stock Exchange is an applied study and a descriptive-correlational study method. The statistical population of the study included activists, investors, agents, experts and senior experts of Tehran Stock Exchange companies, who were selected with a simple 240 random sampling strategy. In this study, the standard questionnaire of the Digen (Jonson & Webster, 2010) was used with three subscales of Machiavellism (eliminating all ethics), narcissism and psychosis. Corporate sustainability, including two subscales of environmental preferences and social preferences, was used by Plaster and Salver (2021). Research data analysis was performed with the model of structural equations and Smart PLS software. The results suggest that the dark traits of managers' personality have a negative impact on corporate sustainability; removing ethics has a negative impact on environmental preferences. Narcissism has a positive effect on environmental preferences. Psychosis has a negative impact on environmental preferences; Removing ethics has a negative impact on social preferences. Narcissism has a positive impact on social preferences. Psychosis has a negative impact on social preferences. Managers' dark personality traits have a positive impact on corporate sustainability by modulating managerial authority. The dark personality traits of managers have a negative impact on environmental preferences by modulating managerial authority, but this effect was not significant. Managers' dark personality traits have a negative impact on social preferences by modulating managerial authority.
Sabermojtahdi, Fatemeh and Abbaszadeh, Mohammadreza and Kardan, Behzad, 1400, the effect of the CEO's narcissism on the company's risk, the 8th National Congress of Innovations in Industrial Management and Engineering with an emphasis on competitive ability and intelligence, Tehran, doc/1299028(In Persian)