The life of Najmuddin Kobra in the mirror of history
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literatureshahrouz goudarzimonfared 1 , mehdi Mohabbaty 2 * , Jalil Tajlil 3 , roghoye sadraee 4
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Department of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.
3 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Sciences and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: historical monuments, mysticism, Najmuddin Kobra, life,
Abstract :
One of the main problems for researchers in studying the lives of elders is the lack of accurate writing of events or the custom and courtesy of historical monuments. He is one of the great thinkers of mysticism who has very brief and great works in the history of mysticism and is mostly known by the influential students in mysticism who are attributed to him. And the status of the sheikh in the history of literature is still in a state of ambiguity. And the historical monuments that have been named after him are few and their contents are sometimes contradictory and are not free from problems. Therefore, in this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical method based on library and documentary sources, an attempt has been made to open aspects of the life of the sheikh who is very famous and whose fame has prevented accurate research about him and the contents of historical books and memoirs. Is seen to be very scattered and does not have the comprehensiveness of the present article. The results of this article contain material that has not been mentioned in any literary history book.
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