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    Journal Name: Journal of Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (JPTSI)  

    Period: quarterly

    Filed: Sports sciences

    Release type: offline electronic (Open access)

    Language: The full text in Farsi along with a short and extended abstract in English

    Type of articles: Research - review - analytical and meta-analytical - letter to the editor - case studies 

    Publisher: Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch

    Country / Province: Iran / Zanjan

    Website: https://sanad.iau.ir/journal/eps

    Email: ptsijournal@gmail.com   &  zanjan.ptsijournal@iau.ir

    Contact:  +982433114323   &   +989123084649

    ISSN: 3060-6306

    Review process: Double Blind Peer Review Process (20 Days)