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    Journal of Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (JPTSI) ( Scientific )
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    Journal of Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (JPTSI)

    Injury, at the cellular-molecular level or at the systemic and tissue level, is a part of the life of athletes at every level and every sport. appropriate training methods according to exercise physiology and sport sciences; sport nutrition and sport biomechanics; and also, effective and efficient rehabilitation of sport injuries; and continuous monitoring of physiological and psychological responses; It makes prevention and effective rehabilitation of sport injuries. Increasing our knowledge in the physiology of training and sport injuries, will be updated our strategy in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries. Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch, in cooperation with other universities and scientific associations such as Food and Herbal Supplementary Companies, and Sport Medicine Equipment Companies, in addition to publishing the Journal of Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (JPTSI)” and holding the annual Conference on Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (PTSIconf), create a vibrant platform for students, researchers and professionals in sport and related sciences to exchange ideas and share findings

    The main axes of the journal

    Exercise Physiology and Sport Sciences

    Cellular & Molecular Exercise Biology and Sports Genetic

    Biochemistry and Sport Nutrition

    Foods & Herbal Supplements Industries and Sports Training

    Sports Injuries and Corrective Training

    Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries

    Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries

    Biomechanics of Exercise and Sports Injuries

    Medical Engineering and Sports Medicine Equipment Industries

    Sports Engineering, and Sports and Exercise Equipment Industries

    Psychology of Exercise and Sports Injuries

    Integrated Lifestyle Management of Injured Athletes


    The scientific journal of "Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (PTSIJ)" has been published since the winter of 2024 by the Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch, in Persian language, and the periodic publication of the quarterly in electronic format with open access. PTSIJ, examines all articles through Double Blind Peer Review Process and in the final judging process, Hamtajo's plagiarism detection software is used to determine the originality of the articles. PTSIJ, is not a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publishing (COPE); But it follows its principles.


    Ethical Principles

    Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries Journal (PTSIJ) respects the rules of ethics in publications and is subject to the rules of the ethics committee in publishing. PTSIJ, Follows the regulations for the implementation of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud and plagiarism in scientific works. PTSIJ, is not a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publishing (COPE); But it follows its principles. Plagiarism has various forms

    Register another article under your name

    Include the names of authors and researchers who did not contribute to the article

    Copying or repeating significant parts of another article (Even if the copied article belongs to one of the authors of the new article)

    Expressing the results of other researches in your own name

    Repeated publication of articles by a single author in several publications

    Expressing incorrect results and contradicting scientific findings or distorting the results of research and using invalid data or manipulating research data

    All authors are responsible for the originality of the work. The right to evaluate plagiarism cases is reserved for the journal. Cases of academic plagiarism are investigated by the authorities of the journal and to protect the credibility and efforts of other researchers, without any tolerance, according to the amount of academic plagiarism, legal action is taken as follows

    The article is rejected and if it is published, it will be removed from the journal's website

    The names of all authors of the article will be included in the blacklist of the journal

    Legal action will be taken from the competent judicial authorities

    Through an official letter, the plagiarism file will be shared with other universities and related domestic and foreign publications

     Admission process

    After sending article by corresponding author through the article submission system, after 5 days at most, an email will be sent to the responsible author stating that the article has been received and sent to the judging stage. Dear authors, please note that in order to speed up the process of the review process, before submitting the article, read the guide for the authors carefully, prepare and submit the article accurately based on the compilation guide available in the system. Dear authors, please send your articles only through the system of the quarterly journal and your personal page and follow up only through this way. Absolutely refrain from delivering or sending articles to any natural or legal person's email and phone calls in this regard; because the journal office will not be responsible for articles that are sent through other methods than the quarterly system

    Review process

    The process of reviewing and announcing the result to the responsible author will last about 1-2 months. The article will be sent to two anonymous referees. Authors and referees will not know each other's names and details. This publication examines all the articles in a Double Blind Peer Review Process. If both reviewers reject the paper, the paper will be rejected. If the article is accepted by the referees, an email will be sent to the responsible author about the completion of the acceptance process and the publication of the article. Respected authors must respond to the acceptance email within ten days and complete the acceptance and printing process; otherwise, their acceptance will be rejected and the article will be removed from the system


    Journal Name: Journal of Physiology of Training and Sports Injuries (JPTSI)

    Period: quarterly

    Filed: Sports sciences

    Release type: offline electronic (Open access)

    Language: The full text in Farsi along with a short and extended abstract in English

    Type of articles: Research - review - analytical and meta-analytical - letter to the editor - case studies and….

    Publisher: Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch

    Country / Province: Iran / Zanjan


    Email:   &

    Contact:  +982433114323   &   +989123084649


    Review process: Double Blind Peer Review Process (45 Days)

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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
    Executive Manager
    Literary Editor
    Online ISSN:3060 - 6306

    Publication period: Quarterly
    Impact Factor:0
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    Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
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    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 3
    Printed Articles 21
    Number of Authors 49
    Article Views 2709
    Article Downloads 1204
    Number of Submitted Articles 23
    Number of Rejected Articles 0
    Number of Accepted Articles 22
    Acceptance 68 %
    Time to Accept(day) 44
    Reviewer Count 7
    Last Update 9/18/2024