Tolerant to drought stress of advance barley genotypes
Subject Areas : Ecophysiology & Phytochemistry of Medicinal and Aromatic Plantsbehrouz vaezi 1 * , nages ramanimoghadam 2
1 - academic member and cereal and forage breeder
2 - pest and disease expert
Keywords: Tolerant", " drought stress", " barley genotypes,
Abstract :
Present study was consisted on 18 advance barley genotypes which was investigated at Gachsaran Agricultural Research Station for two years with RCBD design with 4 replications. During growing year recording data form agronomic important characters. For statistical analysis was performed by software's such as SAS 9.4, Genstat and GGbiplot. Combine analysis of variance was done for grain yield and some agronomic characters at stress and non stress condition and grain yield mean comparisons was accomplished via Duncan at 1% probability level. Grain yield Combine analysis of variance at stress condition showed that year effect and year× variety interaction effect were significant at 1% probability level and variety effect not significant. But at non stress condition just year effect was significant and other effects not significant. Grain yield mean comparisons at 1% probability level indicated that L13 with 4.483 t/ha and 5.814 t/ha at stress and non stress condition was placed at the first class. Considering drought stress tolerant indices showed that L13 detected as the best tolerant genotype to stress condition. Principle components analysis results showed that just 2 components explained 98.2% of total diversity among data. The first components having high and positive correlation with grain yield at stress condition and stress indices such as mean productivity, harmonic mean, geometrical mean productivity, yield index, yield stability index, stress tolerance index, modified stress tolerance index in stress and non stress condition and finally drought index. For this reason the first component identified as the stress tolerant component. But the 2nd component just with justifying 1.8% of total variation having correlation with TOL index and stress susceptibility index identified as the sensitive component.