Genotype ×environment interaction effect and grain yield stability of barley genotypes
Subject Areas : Ecophysiology & Phytochemistry of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
behrouz vaezi
rahmattolah mohammadi
asghar mehraban
tahmaseb hossienpour
narges rahmani moghadam
1 - academic member and cereal and forage breeder
2 - cereal researcher
3 - cereal researcher
4 - cereal researcher
5 - pest and disaease expert
Keywords: genotype × environment interaction effect, grain yield stability, barley genotypes,
Abstract :
Genetic× environment interaction for genetic, plant breeder and animal breeding is very important. Insight of G×E helps to plant breeders for genotypes evaluating precisely until select the best genotypes and release the stable genotypes for general and special environments. Present study in order to achievement to high yield and yield stable in the different years, was done on the 20 advance barley lines with Mahoor and Khorram cultivars as checks in the 2010-2013 growing season at the 4 stations namely; Gachsaran, Moghan, Gonbad and Lorestan. Each genotype was planted in 6 rows with 7.03 meters length, 17.5 cm spacing from each other by cereal seed planter device based on RCBD design with 4 replications. During growing season recording data was done from agronomic and morpho- physiological characters. Combine analysis of variance was accomplished and yield stability was surveyed by parametric, nonparametric and multivariate analysis. Combine analysis of variance was done by general linear models (GLM) and mix models so that all of effects such as Environment, genotype and genotype* environment interaction effects were significant at probability levels (P<0.001). Grain yield ordered form 3.536 tha-1 to 4.148 tha-1 for G7 and G3 respectively with 87.6% and 102.6% relative preference to checks cultivars. In addition to G17 and G9 about yield was sorted at the next steps.Stability parameters results showed that G17 and G9 detected as the stable and yielded cultivars. Site regression (SREG) and AMMI analysis showed that 47.7% and 85.6% of G×E justify which was may be due to high efficiency of AMMI analysis for this study. Site regression analysis (GGE) showed that all environments and barley genotypes were placed at 3 and 4 groups. For this reason could be said that we have a high G*E interaction effects. According to GGE results, G1, G18 and G3 having high stability and yielded more than checks among barley genotypes.