Essential oil composition and gum phytochemistery of Dorema ammoniacum D. which collected from Birjand
Subject Areas : Medicinal PlantsMohamad Norani 1 , Mohammad-Taghi Ebadi 2 , Alexander Crawford 3 , Mahdi Ayari Noushabadi 4 *
1 - PhD student, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Gas Chromatography, Gum, Dorema ammoniacum, Bisabolene derivatives,
Abstract :
Dorema ammoniacum D. Don. is a perennial herbs from Apiaceae family that grows wild in central and eastern regions of Iran such as Yazd, Isfahan, Kerman, Semnan and Khorasan provinces, and its local names are Kandal, Vasha or Oshagh and Koma-kandal. There is some evidence in Iranian traditional medicine about the anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory properties of D. ammoniacum gum resin exuding from its root and stem. In this study, roots, stems, leaves, flowers and gums of D. ammoniacum were collected in the spring 2018 from Birjand in South Khorasan province. After drying the samples, the essential oils were extracted by hydro distillation and their content and compositions were investigated with gas chromatography techniques. The highest and lowest yield of essential oil in D. ammoniacum was obtained for gum and roots with a value of 1.0% and 0.2%, respectively. Based on the analysis of essential oils, 73 compounds were identified in organs and gum. In roots, stems, leaves, flowers and gum essential oils 91.3 %, 97.15 %, 91.8 %, 88.4 % and 89.4 % of the total components were identified, respectively. (Z)-sabinene hydrate, (2E, 6E)-farnesol, elemicin and n-hexacosane were common compounds among all essential oils. In addition, a series of monocyclic bisabolene compounds such as α-bisabolol, Z-α-bisabolene, β-bisabolene, ar-curcumene, ar-dihydro turmerone in different organs of the D. ammoniacum essential oils. The percentage of bisabolene compounds identified in different D. ammoniacum essential oils was 35.5% for root, 3.4% for stem, 1.4% for leaf, 14.5% for flower and 8.5% for gum essential oil. The most identified compounds in the D. ammoniacum essential oil were sesquiterpene compounds.
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- Sajjadi, S.E., Ghassemi, N. and Mohammad Zamani, 2007. Chemical constituents of the essential oil of Dorema ammoniacum D. Don. Leaf, an Iranian resinous plant. Revue des regions Arides, 3(1): 194-196.
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- Takalloa, M., Sami, S. and Avvalb, M. 2013. Chemical composition of the essential oils from flowers, stems and roots of Dorema ammoniacum Don from Iran. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4: 640-644.
- Yousefzadi, M., Mirjalili, M.H., Alnajar, N., Zeinali, A. and Parsa, M. 2011. Composition and in vitro antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Dorema ammoniacum Don. Fruit from Iran. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 76: 857-863.
- Adams, R.P. 2007. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Allured publishing corporation Carol Stream, IL.
- Amin, G. 2005. Popular Medicinal Plants of Iran. Tehran. Tehran University Press.
- Asnaashari, S., Dadizadeh, E., Talebpour, A.H., Eskandani, M. and Nazemiyeh, H. 2011. Free radical scavenging potential and essential oil composition of the Dorema glabrum C. A. Mey roots from Iran. Bio Impacts, 1(4): 241-244.
- Batooli, H., Haghir-Ebrahim-Abadi, A., Mahmoudi, B. and Mazoochi, A. 2014. Comparison of chemical compositions of essential oils of vegetative and reproductive organs of Dorema ammomiacum Don. in Shahsavaran region of Kashan. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, 30(5): 746-755.
- Batooli, H. 2004. Biodiversity and species richness of plant elements in Qazaan reserve of Kashan. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi (In Natural Resources), 61(4): 85-103.
- Delnavazi, M., Tavakoli, S., Rustaie, A., Batooli, H., and Yassa, N. 2014. Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the essential oils and extracts of Dorema ammoniacum roots and aerial parts. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy, 1: 11-18.
- Ghahreman, A. 1993. Plant Systematic, Cormophytes of Iran. Vol. 2. 852.
- Ghasemi, F., Tamadon, H., Hosseinmardi, N. and Janahmadi, M. 2018. Effects of Dorema ammoniacum gum on neuronal epileptiform activity-induced by Pentylenetetrazole. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research, 17: 735.
- Hosseini, S.S., Nadjafi, F., Asareh, M.H. and Rezadoost, H. 2018. Morphological and yield related traits, essential oil and oil production of different landraces of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) in Iran. Scientia Horticulturae, 233: 1-8.
- Jalali, Z., Sefidkon, F., Asareh, M., and Atar, F. 2008. Comparison of sesquiterpens in the essential oils of Anthemis hyalinaC., Matricaria recutita L. and Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Schultz-Bip.
- Karimi, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., Malekpour, F., Yousefi, M. and Golparvar, A.R. 2010. Study of ecotypic and chemotypic of Thymus daenensis in Esfahan and Chaharmahal bakhtiari provinces. Journal of Herbal Drugs, 3: 1-10. (In Persian).
- Masoudi, S., and Kakavand, S. 2017. Volatile constituents of the aerial parts of Terataenium lasiopentalum (boiss.) manden, stems and leaves of Dorema ammoniacum Don. And leaves, fruits and stems of Leutea petiolare (dc.) m. Pimen from Iran. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 62: 3311-3314.
- Mazaheri Tehrani, M., Hosseinzadeh, R., Mohajerani, M., Tajbakhsh, M. and Nejad Ebrahimi, S. 2021. Evaluation of biological activities of essential oils and gum extracts of Dorma ammoniacum Journal of Plant Production Research, 27(4): 211-225.
- Motevalian, M., Mehrzadi, S., Ahadi, S., and Shojaii, A. 2017. Anticonvulsant activity of Dorema ammoniacum gum: evidence for the involvement of benzodiazepines and opioid receptors. Research in pharmaceutical sciences, 12(1), 53.
- Norani, M., Ebadi, M.-T., and Ayyari, M. 2019. Volatile constituents and antioxidant capacity of seven Tussilago farfara populations in Iran. Scientia Horticulturae, 257: 108635.
- Orellana-Paucar, A.M., Serruys, A.S.K., Afrikanova, T., Maes, J., De Borggraeve, W., Alen, J., Leon-Tamariz, F., Wilches-Arizabala, I.M., Crawford, A.D., de Witte, P.A.M. and Esguerra, C.V. 2012. Anticonvulsant activity of bisabolene sesquiterpenoids of Curcuma longa in zebrafish and mouse seizure models. Epilepsy and Behavior, 24: 14-22.
- Orellana-Paucar, A.M., Afrikanova, T., Thomas, J., Aibuldinov, Y.K., Dehaen, W., De Witte, P.A. and Esguerra, C.V. 2013. Insights from zebrafish and mouse models on the activity and safety of arturmerone as a potential drug
candidate for the treatment of epilepsy. PLoS One, 8: e81634. - Rahmanzadeh Ishkeh, Sh., Asghari, M.R., Shirzad, H. and Alirezalo, A. 2021. Investigation of antioxidant activity and phytochemical compounds of Rubus ulmifolius sub sp. sanctus fruit collected from Khandareh- Urmia. Ecophytochemistry journal of Medicinal Plants, 8(4):89-101.
- Rajani, M., Saxena, N., Ravishankara, M., Desai, N. and Padh, H. 2002. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of ammoniacum gum from Dorema ammoniacum. Pharmaceutical biology, 40: 534-541.
- Rechinger, K., Lemond, J. and Hedge, I. 1987. Flora Iranica (Umbelliferae). Akademische Druck Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria, 162: 236-257.
- Sajjadi, S.E., Ghassemi, N. and Mohammad Zamani, 2007. Chemical constituents of the essential oil of Dorema ammoniacum D. Don. Leaf, an Iranian resinous plant. Revue des regions Arides, 3(1): 194-196.
- Sim, Y.Y., Ong, W.T.J. and Nyam, K.L. 2019. Effect of various solvents on the pulsed ultrasonic assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Hibiscus cannabinus leaves. Industrial Crops and Products, 140: 111708.
- Soltanipoor, M.A. and Sefidkon, F. 2020. Investigating the quality and quantity of essential oil of Zhumeria majdae in field and provenance. Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology), 33(2): 304-315.
- Takalloa, M., Sami, S. and Avvalb, M. 2013. Chemical composition of the essential oils from flowers, stems and roots of Dorema ammoniacum Don from Iran. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4: 640-644.
- Yousefzadi, M., Mirjalili, M.H., Alnajar, N., Zeinali, A. and Parsa, M. 2011. Composition and in vitro antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Dorema ammoniacum Don. Fruit from Iran. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 76: 857-863.