Identifying factors related to sustainable human resources management model and explaining its relationship with structural empowerment and employee voice in the National Copper Industries Company of Iran using thematic analysis method
Subject Areas : Human resource managementabbas pourafghan 1 , sanjar salajeghe 2 * , Mohammad Jalalkamali 3 , Rahman Jalali Javaran 4
1 - Management of Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
4 - Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Structural Empowerment, Theme Analysis, employees' voice in the organization with the method of theme analysis, Sustainable Human Resource Management,
Abstract :
The aim of the research is to identify the factors related to the sustainable human resource management model and explain its relationship with the structural empowerment and voice of the employees in the National Copper Company with thematic analysis method.The research has a mixed approach(qualitative and quantitative)which is developmental-applied in terms of purpose and survey in terms of nature and method. The data collection method in this research was a combination of library and field studies and the data collection tools were referring to documents,interviews with experts and questionnaires,and the validity and reliability of interviews and questionnaires were confirmed with a high percentage.The statistical population of the research includes 22 university professors,managers and human resources specialists who were selected by purposeful sampling; Also,using the method of thematic analysis, the interviews were analyzed and coded. In this research,NVIVO software was used to extract and analyze the codes related to interviews with experts, and SPSS software was used to check the validity of the model.the results of open coding of qualitative data; leading to the extraction of 115 primary codes,39 basic themes and 14 organizing themes,including sustainable targeting of human resources,sustainable behavior and attitude of human resources,environmental sustainability,economic productivity,provision of talented human resources,management support,creation of equal opportunities,information sharing,effective allocation resources,control of the organization's decisions, individual opposition with the purpose of benefiting,collective and constructive protests,participation in decision-making and efforts to promote mutual relations;98 codes of research variables were approved by experts in the Delphi process.