The Study of Organizational Virtue and Organizational Productivity through Organizational Citizenship Behavir in Fars Sport and Youth Offices
Subject Areas : Human resource managementomid safari 1 * , nima shahidi 2
1 - azad university
2 - azad universiti
Keywords: organizational virtue, organizational productivity, Organizational Citizenship Behavior,
Abstract :
The main objective of this study was Study of Organizational Virtue and Organizational Productivity through Organizational Citizenship Behavi in Fars Sport and Youth Offices. The statistical population of this study was all employees of Fars Sport and Youth. The sample size was 85. The statistical population was considered as the sample size. To collect information about the research, three questionnaires were used: Hersey and Goldsmith (1980), Organizational Virtue Inventory (2007) and Cameron et al. (2004) and Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire (1990). Validity of this tool was confirmed by a review from the supervisor and management experts. The reliability of this tool was also obtained using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.711, 0.852 and 0.820, respectively. Pearson correlation and path analysis were used to analyze the data using SPSS21 and AMOS5 software. Findings of this study showed that organizational virtue had a positive and significant relationship with organizational productivity. Regarding the second hypothesis, it was found that organizational virtue had a significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior. The results of the third hypothesis showed that organizational citizenship behavior had a significant relationship with organizational productivity. Finally, the role of mediator of citizenship behavior in the relationship between organizational virtue and organizational productivity of staff was confirmed.