Identifying And Prioritizing The Factors Affecting The Reduction Of Staff Motivation Using Network Analysis Model In Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Of Fars Province
Subject Areas : Human resource managementshokoufeh zare 1 , mehdi mehdi zaderostam 2 * , peyman pirooz 3
1 - Department of Management, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
Keywords: gender, organizational climate, job level, Supervision, income level,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to identify and prioritize the effective factors in reducing employee motivation using network analysis model in Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Fars province.The study consists of 723 employees of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee, of which a sample of 251 people was selected using the Cochran's formula. Sampling was done randomly.Data collection was used to test the hypotheses of two questionnaires.The first questionnaire based on Likert scale 5 degrees is for the initial screening of criteria and sub-criteria and the expert questionnaire is based on pairwise comparison to prioritize the criteria and sub-criteria. An expert who is based on a pairwise comparison of all the elements with each other is a probability that a variable is not considered.Therefore, because all the criteria have been considered in this assessment and Qad designer is not particularly oriented in designing the questions, so this questionnaire is valid in itself. In this study, the network analysis process has been used to prioritize the indicators.For this purpose, the pairwise comparison matrix has been used to determine the weight of the criteria.The implementation of the ANP technique has been performed using super decision software. Based on the results; The income level factor with a weight of 0.294 is in the 1st place.The supervisor factor with a weight of 0.265 is in the 2nd place. The job level factor with a weight of 0.182 is in the 3rd place. The gender factor with a weight of 0.16 is in the 4th place.