The consequences of self ability of human resources in governmental organizations in Iran
Subject Areas : Human resource managementmohsen Gharakhani 1 * , kumars Ahmadi 2 , adel salavati 3
1 - Azad university
2 - 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: satisfaction, selfability, administrative system transformation, Cost reduction, individual and organizational excellence,
Abstract :
Control-based approaches in management are becoming empowerment-based approaches that self-empowerment is the newest type of this approach. The aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of human resource self-empowerment in Iranian government agencies. In this research, two documentary (library) and field methods were used to collect data, so that based on documentary method, the researcher obtained the information through vector jack by reviewing different texts. In order to use the field method, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used. The sample size was considered for the qualitative method of 40 individuals, among which 20 managers of governmental organizations who were familiar with the topics of self-empowerment and 20 experts and experts of the initial model were taken into account and in the quantitative method, using Cochran's formula, 72 people including employees of the Economic and Finance Affairs Department of Kurdistan province were selected by simple random sampling. The data collected in the field section, obtained from interviews, were analyzed using the research method of the foundation data and the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. Findings indicated that implications in two individual and organizational levels were identified as the consequences of self-capability phenomenon in Iranian government agencies; In this way, the 'job satisfaction' and 'human resource excellence' are among their individual consequences and 'transformation of the administrative system', 'reducing costs' and 'organizational excellence' are among organizational consequences. The results of measuring the implications of self-empowerment of resources in the formation of resources, outcomes.