Identification and Prioritization of Measures to Reduce the Failure of Health and Safety Policies Based on the Technique of Failure Modes and Effect Analysis
Subject Areas : Human resource managementehsan shahsavari Goqeri 1 , Mohamad Zyaaddini 2 * , Mostafa Hadavinejad 3 , hamid taboli 4
1 - Dept. of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran
2 - Dept. of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Valiasr University, Rafsanjan, Iran.
4 - management department, Payam Noor University of Kerman
Keywords: FMEA, Fuzzy, Occupational safety, Policy implementation,
Abstract :
Health and safety policies are implemented in the organizations to reduce occupational accidents and diseases and prevent waste of resources. Policy means the decisions and implementing the policy means the activities that help implementation directly. Numerous measures will reduce the failure to implement occupational safety and health policies. In this research, these factors are identified and ranked.This research is applied and adopts survey as its strategy. The research population consists of 15 HSE managers in Kerman province who are selected through non-random and purposive sampling. Data collection tools are interviews and questionnaires and FMEA technique and integrated approach of AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS are used to analyze the data. Based on the findings, important and effective measures to reduce the failure of safety and health policies implementationinclude reducing the change of managers and requiring new managers to implement safety and health policies, developing scientific programs in accordance with the organization's capabilities and creating an appropriate organizational structure. According to the research findings, it is necessary for organizations to pay more attention to creating and strengthening the structure of safety and health units by carefully planning and changing the approach of managers.