Identifying and leveling the dimensions and components of the Islamic culture promotion model according to the organizational structure and the implementation of cultural policies with the interpretive structural equation method
Subject Areas : Human resource managementmohammad shahabi nejad 1 , navid fatehi rad 2 * , amin nikpour 3
1 - PhD student in public administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Organizational structure, policy making, Islamic culture,
Abstract :
This research was done with the aim of identifying and leveling the dimensions and components of the Islamic culture promotion model with regard to the organizational structure and the implementation of cultural policies with the method of interpretive structural equations. in the first type, 15 experts were used, and in the second type, employees of the municipalities of Kerman province were used. In order to analyze the data, SPSS and LISREL software were used. Examining the results of this research showed that in order to promote Islamic culture through municipalities, the matrix model should be used, in the organizational structure section, attention should be paid to the dimensions of the rule of law, decentralization of the organization, organization of specialties, cultural development of the city, environmental sustainability and development of technological infrastructure, and in the section The implementation of cultural policies will pay attention to the aspects of managing cultural changes, improving cultural interactions, promoting the religion of citizens, improving the lifestyle of citizens, and developing the ethics and behavior of citizens. Examining the relationships between dimensions and components also indicated the significance of all dimensions of the model in the larger statistical sample. Also, in identifying the most effective factors, it was found that the components of encouraging Islamic behavior, leadership and the use of technology in promoting Islamic culture are the most effective factors, and the components of developing cultural and social centers, promoting Islamic worship and holding Islamic art courses are the most effective factors.
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