The Invistigation of Relationship beween Religious Attitude and Self-Efficacy with Academic Adjustment among University Students
Subject Areas : Educational ScienceMohammad Ali Sepahvandi 1 * , Leila Mansouri 2
1 - Faculty member/Lorestan University
2 - MA/Lorestan University
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Religious Attitude, Academic adjustment,
Abstract :
Adjustment and its dimensions are fundamental and widespread issues in psychology. Therefore identify of factors associated with it, can increase the knowledge, and reduce personal and interpersonal problems. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between religious attitude and self-efficacy with academic adjustment. This was descriptive and correlational study. The popultion of this study includs all undergraduate students in the faculty of Literature Human sciences of Islamic Azad University of Izeh in 2015-2016 academic year that among them 274 individuals (130 male and 144 female) were selected using stratified random sampling as research sample. The instrument used in this study were religious attitude questionnaire (Golriz & Baraheni, 1974), self-efficacy questionnaire (sherer & et al, 1982) and academic adjustment questionnaire (baker & siryc, 1984). In order to analyze the data Descriptive Statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and Multiple regression analysis were used. The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between religious attitudes and self-efficacy with academic adjustment. Also Multiple regression analysis showed that both religious attitudes and self-efficacy had a significant role in predicting academic adjustment.