explanation the hidden curriculum effects in schools and Providing a solution to reduce negative effects and increasing positive effects
Subject Areas : Educational Science
رضا میرعرب رضی
mahdi akbari
1 - هیات علمی دانشگاه مازندران
2 - iran. babolsar, university of mazandaran
Keywords: "hidden curriculum, "negative effects, "positive effects, "solutions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to survey of schools hidden curriculum and offering solutions In order to reduce the negative effects and increase the positive effects. For this purpose, a community of schools teachers and administrators of Mazandaran province was considered (4330) that a sample of 255 teachers and 71 administrators were selected by cluster sampling. Survey research was carried out using a Researcher made questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was 79/0. The results show that teachers and administrators believe the negative effects of hidden curriculum are weak and the effects of positive are rich. In other words, they regard the status of the effects of the curriculum in their students' experiences as positive. In order to navigate the views of the participants, they were asked to provide the appropriate solutions in the hidden curriculum. Offered 12 solutions from view of teachers and administrators reduce the negative effects hidden curriculum. Such as Students should not be classified according to their economic situation (question 14 with average of 37/4), There is a need for group work in the school (item 7 with an average of 16/4), success in the school is not the result of unconditional obedience to the authorities (item 11 with an average of 95/3), to increase the positive effects of hidden curriculum, 10 solutions were proposed such as Students' knowledge development (with a mean of 50/4), school emphasis on students' self-awareness (with a mean of 29/4), attention to mental health of children.