Designing a Curriculum to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary School Teachers
Subject Areas : Educational Science
m sh
حسن شهرکی پور
mehdi kalantari
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2 - . h.shahrakipoor44@gmail.comدانشیار، گروه مدیریت آموزشی، واحد رودهن، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رودهن، ایران
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Keywords: Curriculum, Critical Thinking, Teacher Behavior, Teacher Training, Professional Development,
Abstract :
This study was conducted with the aim of designing and evaluating an Curriculum program to enhance critical thinking skills among elementary school teachers. The study was carried out within the framework of developmental research and utilized the "Taba-Tyler" curriculum design model. The target population was selected purposefully and included two experts in curriculum planning, two experts in assessment and evaluation, one expert in Persian language education, and one expert in philosophy. The results of data analysis indicated that the designed program consists of 12 main objectives across five key areas: accepting diverse perspectives, evaluating the accuracy and validity of information, seeking reasons and evidence, formulating high-level questions, and fostering open-minded thinking. The program was designed based on the needs of teachers and includes activities such as creative drama, case study analysis, and group work as educational tools. Reflective evaluations revealed that the objectives, educational content, learning experiences, and assessment methods of the program are well-aligned and highly implementable. This research emphasizes the importance of training teachers in critical thinking as an effective step toward cultivating critical-thinking students and fostering a thoughtful society. Finally, it is recommended that this program be expanded to other educational levels as a significant step in promoting critical thinking across all stages of education.
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