The phenomenology of the lived experiences of Preschool teacher training students about features of curriculum elements in Inverted Problem based approach
Subject Areas :
nasrin asadnejhad
jahangir yari
Yousef adib
sadegh Maleki Avarsin
1 - PhD. Student, Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor,Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Professor,Department of Education, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
4 - Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Learning, Inverted Problem-based approach, Preschool teacher students, Lived experience, curriculum elements,
Abstract :
The current research aims to identify the characteristics of the nine elements of the Inverted Problem based approach from the point of view of Preschool teacher training students. The method was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Participants were 13 pre-school teacher students (4 men and 9 women), among whom had chosen the course "Training by the game”. So, first the agreement of the Head of Department, professor and students were obtained. Then Implementation were done based on the Guidance of the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Glasgow. This approach was implemented in ten steps. In collecting the required data, two techniques of voice recording, note-taking and text writing were conducted from nine participants, by semi-structured interviews. The four-step approach of Georgy (1970) was used in the analysis. These four steps are: 1) data review, 2) writing a guide for coding, 3) organizing data, 4) classifying and coding data. Analysis and coding of interview text were done using MAXQDA10 software. The findings of the research showed that the characteristics of the nine elements of Klein's curriculum, considering the students' experiences, were as follows: the objectives element has at least two characteristics, the content element has three characteristics, the teaching methods element has three characteristics, and at least four characteristics for The element of learners' learning activities has six features for the element of grouping learners, four themes for the educational space element, the feature of the teaching time element around two themes, the feature of the materials and resources element in three themes and the feature of the evaluation element can be around five sub-themes. Divided. The results of the current research indicated that this approach is powerful in some elements and its characteristics are challenging in elements such as goals, content, grouping, and "learning materials and resources". In general, the student-teachers were satisfied with learning and teaching with an inverted problem-based approach because it improved their academic and practical skills. The conclusion of the present study is that in the opinion of students, the elements of "teaching-learning strategies", "learning activities", "educational environment" and "evaluation" of this approach were satisfactory.
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