Explaining a Model for Error Management Culture in educational institutions
Subject Areas :Elham Sahraie 1 , Yousef Namvar 2 * , Sadraddin Sattari 3
1 - Ph.D. Student in Education Management, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Department of Educational Sciences, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Educational Science Dept, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: Educational institutions, model, error management culture,
Abstract :
Establishing and promoting error management culture in educational institutions can decrease the occurrence of errors in such settings. By doing so, organizational errors can be reduced and the performance of the institutions as well as their staff can be improved. That is why the present study aimed to explore error management culture in educational institutes. This study was a qualitative research in which the methodology of grounded theory was employed to collect and analyze the data. For the purpose of the study, 11 experts in the field of education were selected from among heads of educational organizations and school managers with at least 10 years of related experience via snowball sampling method. Then interviews were conducted with each of the participants using a semi-structured interview. The collected qualitative data were then analyzed in the three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. These categories and subcategories were then classified in 5 structural categories of the grounded theory, namely causal conditions (primary and secondary purposes), contextual factors (related to management and improvement), intervenient conditions (organizational obstacles, informational-motivational obstacles), strategies of action/ interaction (psychological safety, organizational conditions and requirements), and consequences (individual and organizational advantages). For validity and reliability, the method of Lincoln and Guba, which includes: credibility, trust, verifiability and transferability, was used and it was approved in terms of validity and reliability. In the end, the findings of the research showed that the establishment of error management culture in educational institutions leads to the development and effectiveness of the organization and individuals. Also, the employees of the institutions do not receive the necessary training in this field.
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