Analysis of the dimensions of the financial portfolioPerformance of the green supply chain in the food industry
Rozita Rahmani
PhD student, Department of Industrial Management, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
امیر نجفی
Department of Industrial Engineering, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Farid Askari
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
Hojbar Kiani
Department of Industrial Management, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
Keywords: green supply chain management, environmental management system, decision making, Food,
Abstract :
Today, environmental management with emphasis on environmental protection has become one of the most important issues for customers, governments, industries and competitors, and international and global pressures have required organizations to produce environmentally friendly products and services. This challenge has led to the creation of a new concept called green chain management in the field of business, which is a combination of environmental thinking and supply chain. The purpose of this research is to identify the main indicators of green supply chain management and provide a framework in this direction in order to implement, measure and compare the greenness of manufacturing industries, especially the food industry. This research has been done in three different phases; In the first phase, the components of green supply chain management were extracted by studying scientific texts and obtaining experts' opinions (including seven dimensions: green supplier and purchase, green design and packaging, green production, green distribution and marketing, reverse logistics, environmental management and education and research and 29 indicators) and is the basis for preparing the questionnaire. In the next phase, the extracted components are prioritized using the fuzzy hierarchical analysis method and obtaining the opinion of food industry experts. And finally, three canning companies, Mashkat, Yaran and Moghaddian, were evaluated using the TOPSIS Fuzzy method. The results indicate that Meshkat, Yaran, and Moghaddian companies ranked first to third in terms of greenness, respectively.
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