Investigating the impact of financial factors on sales forecasting with supervised machine learning methods: a case study of food and beverage companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange.
saba Alirezaei
Accounting department, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Khadijeh Khodabakhshi Parijan
Marzieh Kalaei
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Humanities, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: sales forecast, financial data, regression, machine learning,
Abstract :
This study aims to identify the financial factors influencing the prediction of future sales for food industry companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange using supervised machine learning methods. The study period encompasses 50 quarterly periods from 2010 to 2022. The selected sample includes 23 companies from the food industry that are listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical method employed in this research is correlation analysis through regression, utilizing linear regression, random forest regression, support vector regression, and gradient boosting regression models. Data preparation, preprocessing, and model construction were conducted using Python on the Jupyter Notebook platform. Comparative results of the models indicate that the random forest model outperformed other algorithms in predicting and explaining the variance in sales using financial data. Gradient boosting, decision tree, support vector, and linear regression models ranked next in terms of R² statistics. The results from the random forest model showed that the financial information of companies explains only 38% of the variance in sales for the next two quarters, while 60% of sales are influenced by other factors, including marketing efforts, company and store characteristics, external factors, and so on. Additionally, the analysis revealed that past sales data and inflation rates do not have an impact on predicting future sales.
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