Labor Market Equilibrium in Profit-sharing Model Emphasizing on Islamic Approach
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic Economics
yadollah dadgar
Iraj Totonchian
mohammadreza armanmehr
1 - استاد اقتصاد دانشگاه شهید بهشتی
2 - استاد اقتصاد دانشگاهالزهرا
3 - دکتری اقتصاد دانشگاه مفید
Keywords: Islamic Economics, Profit-sharing, Labor Market Equilibrium, firm,
Abstract :
Profit-sharing of the workers is a fairly way for the workforce which plays a vital role in efficiency and sustainable economic growth. Studying this subject by Islamic approach can be a new step. The supply and demand balance in the Profit-Sharing model will be analyzed from the perspective of Islam. In this paper, the data will be collected in libraries and the documentation analyzed by using content analysis. In addition, depended on Islamic economical principles, geometrical and mathematical means are used to explain the matter more reasonably. To investigate the equilibrium of labor share in the economy, firstly, the labor market equilibrium rent is investigated. Then, the effect of Profit-sharing model of Islamic Economics will be studied on the balance of labor supply and demand. The stability of the economy equilibrium in profit-Sharing will be expressed based on Islamic teachings. Finally, some results of profit-Sharing Model are described.
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