Assessing the Social Sustainability of Yazd Neighborhoods
Subject Areas :
fateme raghebian hanzaie
Mohammad Hossein saraei
seyed ali almodaresi
1 - PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Professor in Geomorphology, Department of Geography, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
Received: 2020-12-26
Accepted : 2021-02-03
Published : 2023-05-22
Sustainable Development,
Social sustainability,
Abstract :
Yazd has experienced rapid growth and significant demographic and physical changes in recent years. This study is a practical-developmental research aimed at measuring the status of social sustainability in the neighborhoods of Yazd using a descriptive-analytical method, by using the fuzzy TOPSIS statistical test and correlation coefficient. The research data was collected from the detailed plan of the city of Yazd in 2017, the statistical center, and field studies of research indicators using a questionnaire. The statistical population includes citizens over 15 years old in Yazd, and the sample size was determined based on Cochran's formula of 400 people, randomly selected by stratified random sampling in proportion to the population of neighborhoods. Four main indicators of population changes, participation, security, and quality of life were examined. The results showed a strong correlation between the quality of life index and social sustainability. The quality of life index had the highest effect and significant relationship with social sustainability with a correlation coefficient of 0.948, while the security and participation indices had correlation coefficients of 0.721 and 0.673, respectively. The migration index did not have a significant relationship with social sustainability in the neighborhoods of Yazd (correlation coefficient of 0.217). Among the neighborhoods, Safaieh, Imam Shahr, and Kooy-e Talghani were the most sustainable, while Eish Abad, Khair Abad, and the airport were the least sustainable in terms of social aspects.
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