Analyzing the impact of Iran's Islamic Revolution on the views of the framers of the 1358 Constitution on the foundation of Islamic economy
Subject Areas : Discourse effects of the Islamic revolutionEbrahim Abdipour Fard 1 * , Seyedhadi Arabi 2 , Alireza Dabirnia 3 , Sedigheh gharloghi 4
1 - استاد تمام دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه قم
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Qom
3 - Associate Professor of Law Faculty of Qom University
4 - phd student of Public Law, University of Qom
Keywords: Commentary on the deliberations of the Majlis, the final review of the Constitution, Islamic Revolution of Iran, Islamic economy, Principles 43 and 44 of the Constitution, views of Imam Khomeini (RA).,
Abstract :
After the conquest of the Islamic revolution of Iran in 1357, the codification of the constitution and its approval was one of the first necessities that the political society of Iran confront. In this regard, the idea of developing an Islamic economic system was seriously raised among the constituent members of the Assembly of Constitutional Law Experts, in line with the view of Imam Khomeini (RA). Therefore, the purpose of this article is to delve into the opinions of constitutional law experts regarding the impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the Islamicization of the country's economic system. The method of descriptive and analytical research with special reference to the details of the 1358 constitution negotiations in the field of principles 43 and 44 of the constitution, taking into account the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) is to answer the question that "the views of the experts of the constitution are in line with the Islamic nature of the initial principles of To what extent was the fourth chapter influenced by the Islamic Revolution of Iran and aligned with the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) in this field? Based on this, the research hypothesis is also explained as follows: The drafters of the 1358 Constitution accepted the Islamic nature of the economic system, although with inconsistent and in some cases different readings. Following the detailed discussion of the initial principles of the fourth chapter of the constitution brought with it the conclusion that the unfavorable performance caused by the policies of the previous regime in the field of economy was the most basic factor that led to the Islamization of the economy from the perspective of the framers of the constitution. The attitude of the parliamentarians of the final review in the field of the economic system ruling the country often tends towards its Islamic side and the expensiveness of the public sector. However, some also suggested the establishment of an economy based on private property with Islamic infrastructure.
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