The creative role of Dream in Ibn Arabi’s thought
Subject Areas : Mystical (with literary and artistic features)
Leila Hazrati
ahmad zakeri
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, Islamic Azad University , Karaj Branch,karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Dream, Event, religion, mysticism, Ibn Arabi.,
Abstract :
Ibn Arabi is the most influential theoretician in Islamic thought. Heis one of the most influential theoreticians in mystical Islamic thought. He has dealt with all personal and mystical issues in his writings which forms a large corpus of mystical heritage. One of the issues that draws the attention of the reader of his works is his special concern with dream and vision. Through these dreams he reveals the secret of his relation with the invisible world and argues that he has witnessed the highest degree of real knowledge whichis knowledge by presence or the immediate knowledge in Khizr or Elias.The relationship with the invisible world through soliloquy has resulted in his affecting the behavior of the animals and visiting a mysterious and mythological character who is higher than Moses in respect to the science of dreaming. He has kept his love so pure that he has succeeded in visiting the beloved in dream. He claimed that all words of his works are revealed to him, and he has not written anything by himself autonomously.The writers of this paper with descriptive-analytical and library research method have discussed Ibn Arabi’s mystical and psychological states in his dreams.The study reveals that Ibn Arabi is a wonderful figure in dreaming, and he has learned a part of his knowledge in dream and has transferred it to his readers.This important mystic considers many of his works divine gifts and claims that through divine and invisible world’s inspiration he has written the ideas dictated to