Linguistic Functions in Surrealism and Sufi Shathiyat
Subject Areas : Mystical (with literary and artistic features)Farzane Cheharlang Ali Zameni 1 , Iraj Mehraki 2 *
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Surrealism, Shath, Automatic Writing, Climax, Kharaqani, Bahâ Walad.,
Abstract :
Language has distinct characteristics in mystics' Shathiyat that can be examined from various angles. Some Sufi texts that are the result of words uttered by mystics while in ecstasy and a state of selflessness are referred to as unconscious prose because mystics have no control over their actions and speech while in ecstasy. Such texts can be examined through the lens of surrealism. Surrealism focuses on the expression of things that occur in a dream and cannot be expressed in consciousness. This descriptive-analytical study attempted to answer the question of whether or not the linguistic functions in mystics' Shathiyat are compatible with automatic writing elements in surrealism. To this end, some examples of Shathiyat by Kharaqani and Bahâ Walad were examined, with an emphasis on André Breton's notions about surrealism and the description of automatic writing in its climax. The findings revealed that what André Breton referred to as surrealism in the twentieth century was prevalent in the Shathiyat of the mystics long ago, and this aspect of Sufism can be associated with automatic writing in surrealism. This is manifest in Sufi mystic's attempts to use words to express what is experienced during ecstasy and dream.
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