Study of Shia religions and the factors affecting its spread in the Safavid era based on the poetry of Saeb Tabrizi
Subject Areas : Historical (with literary and artistic features)
Maryam Asraei
Iraj Mehraki
Azar Daneshgar
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Shia religious rituals, Transition and Strengthening, Safavid era, Shiism, Saeb Tabrizi,
Abstract :
The Safavid government could establish an independent identity by formalizing the Shia religion and creating favorable social and cultural conditions in its territory. This identity played a significant role in the spread of Shiism and Shia religious rituals. The Safavid kings maintained the appearance of religion and performed religious ceremonies and rituals in order to legitimize their rule. Likewise, the people followed these rituals. During this period, the Shiites had the opportunity to hold Shia religious rituals freely and away from the opposition. These beliefs and rituals are well reflected in the poems of Saeb, the greatest poet of the Safavid era. Influenced by the Shia rituals and beliefs of his time, Saeb has devoted many verses to the subject of Shia religious rituals in the form of transition and reinforcement. In this research, which is written in a descriptive-analytical method, the reflection of several types of Shia religious rituals in the Safavid era in Saeb's poetry will be studied. Also, the reflection of Shia religious rituals divides into two groups of transitional rituals and reinforcement rituals according to the classification of religious rituals in cultural anthropology. The research findings show that the reflection of these religious rituals in Saeb's poetry is based on Shia teachings and beliefs influenced by Safavid religious policies and the social conditions of the people.
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