"Shibo" Symbolizes the Archetype of "Mask" in the Folktale of "Jonaidnameh"
Subject Areas : Psychology (with literary and artistic features)
Leila Shahriari
Sakineh Rasmi
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: archetype, mask, shadow, shibo, Jondaydnam.,
Abstract :
Given that folktales are the best manifestation of archetypes, in this article, the archetype of "Mask" in the folktale of Junaidnameh has been analyzed. Junaidnameh narrated by Abu Hafs Kufi is the story of the heroism of Abu Muslim's grandfather, Junaid, and the story of his love for Rashideh and the confusions of these two lovers and their ultimate success which leads to the birth of Assad, the father of Abu Muslim. This story is in the form of folktales and away from the obsessions of accurate scientific historiography in areas with love, emotional, religious, religious, and mythological themes, it is written around historical figures. Based on this research, which descriptively analytically examines the archetype of the mask in Junaidnameh Shibo, the acting force and the closest friend of the protagonist his shadow that helps the protagonist in reaching self-consciousness, joining unity of the psyche and uses flexible and selective masks such as changing the name, color, language, and religion and masks such as crying, thinking, and silence. These positive masks not only do not deviate individuation but also, cause alignment on the individuation path and unity with ego. The other type of the mask that is called the effect of the shadow anconcurredre with the definitions of inflexible masks is a representation of inner, dark, and animal shadow of the protagonist that is appeared in the form of the black raven and the protagonist reaches individuation and unity by accepting of negative aspect the self-consciousness.The purpose of this article is to examine the manifestations of both types of masks, flexible and inflexible in Shibo’s character to show how the character of the story can complete the cycle of individuality by using the mask.
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