The conflict of cyber attacks with the principle of non-intervention in international law, focusing on the actions of the United States of America
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
Saeid Eid koshayesh
Hossein Sorayyai Azar
Jahangir Bagheri
1 - Department of International Law, Faculty of Humanities, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor Department of International Law, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor Department of International Law, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
Keywords: Cyber attacks, cyber warfare, non -intervention, coercion, cyber destruction,
Abstract :
However, the phenomenon of cyberspace in the new age has led to many human advances, but it has also hosted many real space disorders. Today, at the international level, many conflicts have been exploited in this field by using or exploiting the capacity of this space, one of the most important of which is cyber attacks and hostilities. Different States have regarded the space as the battlefield and are in the direction of damages to others who call it their enemy. One of the most important and influential countries is the United States, which uses its advanced equipment to take these measures against other States.In this regard, the necessity of paying attention to cyber attacks that can lead to the responsibility of states is inevitable because some of these attacks can violate the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries-as a Jus Cogens of International Law. The present article, with the help of a descriptive analytical approach, has come to the conclusion that some US cyber attacks are due to elements such as informed invasion, violation of the independence of the states, and the element of coercion violate the principle of non -intervention And the efforts to fill the gaps have led to completely different results from the insertion of democratic values to the unintended strengthening of protectionist tendencies, and so far cyberization has not had a tangible impact on the principle of non-intervention and its quality.
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