Various Nature's Concepts In Ancient And Contemporary Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohboubeh Baderestani 1 , Leila Hosseini 2
1 - PhD Scholar, Kharazmi University, Tehran
2 - PhD Scholar, Kharazmi University, Tehran
Keywords: الطبیعة, nature, امرؤالقیس, Imra’ ul-Qais, شعر الطبیعة, ابن حمدیس, nature's poetry, Ibn Hamdis,
Abstract :
The present paper compares nature description in Imra’ ul-Qais and Ibn Hamdis poetries with the aim to analyze the nature elements in their poetries – one in Dark Ages era and the other in Andalusian. The main question is that which beautiful scenery has been described according to their different living eras. The assumption which helps us to find the answer to this question is that Imra’ ul-Qais had described the rain, flood, flowers and night which harmonizes his living place and Ibn Hamdis had also described the flowers around his place. It could be claimed that each poet described the nature of his own living place.
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