The image of Imam Hussein (AS) in the court of Jamal al-Din Khaliei
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Massoud Jaber
Abdul Reza Atashi
Sahad Jaderi
1 - PhD student in Arabic language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch
Keywords: الرثاء, کربلاء, karbala, أهل البیت, الإمام الحسین(ع), Imam Hussein (AS), Rasa, Ahl Al-Bayt, Abolhassan Khaliei,
Abstract :
Abu al-Hassan Khaliei is one of the committed and obliged poets in Arabic literature, who has composed many beautiful poems in the praise of the Imams and the divine prophets; An idealistic writer who has always sought to realize the ideals of Islamic society and has included those pure concepts in his poetry collection. His poems have outstanding features in terms of content that caused us to consider Khaliei as one of the first-grade poets in committed literature. Khaliei in his divan describes the unique personality of Imam Hussein (AS) and Karbala and the events after it. The present study investigates the examples of Hosseini's poems in the period when poets at that time expressed their sincere feelings for the Hosseini's movement. In this article, the study of Hosseini's poems in Abolhassan Khali'i Divan will be performed by descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the research show that Abul Hassan Khaliei found a safe shelter and full power in the character of Imam Hussein (AS) in order to express his sincere feelings for the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), especially Imam Hussein (AS).
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