Symbolism in Western and Arabic Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSeyed Amir mahmood Anvar 1 , Gholameza Golchinad 2
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Keywords: الأدب العربی, Arabic literature, الرمزیة, الأدب الغربی, symbolism, Western literature,
Abstract :
It is obvious that literature means prose and poetry and makes no difference either by Arabs or non – Arabs. But symbolism in the Arabic concept has emerged since the emergence of the Dark era’s literature and is loaned from the specific characteristics of Dark era’s lives and is based on two elements: brevity and indirect speech. Since the symbolism has emerged like a literary school generally in the Western literature and specifically in the French literature, it is necessary to express the concept of Western symbolism as well as different eras of Arabic literature in the research of Western and Arabic symbolism. The author of the present article intends to mention the characteristics of symbolism in literature whether hidden in Arabic or Western literature.
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