"Ahl Al Kahf" Drama by Towfiq Hakim under Post Modernism Criticism
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAbdolrazaq Rahmani 1 , Zahra Garmei 2 , Amineh Zargar 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Hormoz Studies & Research Center, Hormozgan University
2 - Post Graduate, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Arabic Language & Literature
3 - Post Graduate, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Arabic Language & Literature
Keywords: الشخصیة, character, thought, text, place, dualism, النص, المسرحیة الذهنیة, الثنائیة, المکانیة, classical, mind drama,
Abstract :
Post modernism criticism is a philosophical theory which was founded in 20th century by Jacques Derrida; preference of writing on speech is the basis of the post modernism. This school contains important expressions which should be paid attention to; such as opposition/delay/presence/absence and distribution. Towfiq Hakim owns many works with many different methods. He is known as a pioneer in mind drama and Ahl Al Kahf Drama is of a special importance amongst his works and contains studying and surveying the Egypt's problems and troubles in the colonialism era. The present paper is studying dualism of character, place and thought in Ahl Al Kahf drama. The paper shows us that a reader may apply in the text analysis and create a new text.
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